Effect of Cooling Conditions on Grain Size of AZ91 Alloy

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a522920779a
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The grain size of AZ91 alloy was investigated in terms of the effects of cooling rate,superheat and steel gauze. It was found that rapid cooling rate and low superheat favoured the achievement of fine grain structures.The gauze had a less profound effect on the grain size in AZ91 magnesium alloy than that in A356 aluminum alloy. The mechanisms by which these factors affect grain refinement of AZ91 have also been discussed. The grain size of AZ91 alloy was investigated in terms of the effects of cooling rate, superheat and steel gauze. It was found that rapid cooling rate and low superheat favored the achievement of fine grain structures. Gauze had a less profound effect on the grain size in AZ91 magnesium alloy than that in A356 aluminum alloy. The mechanisms by which these factors affect grain refinement of AZ91 have also been discussed.
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