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正当欧美国家政府大张旗鼓地纪念诺曼底登陆作战60周年的时候,大牌导演沃尔夫冈·彼得森却领着我们回顾了一场3000年前的大规模登陆作战行动。在他的镜头中,希腊联军上千艘战舰横渡爱琴海,远征小亚细亚半岛上的特洛伊。特洛伊城堡壁垒森严,联军统帅阿伽门农下令暂避锋芒,而猛将阿喀琉斯及其部下的战舰却直冲海岸强行登陆。城堡上矢石如雨,勇士们迅速组成方阵,一面面盾牌犹如铜墙铁壁,掩护着勇士们疾速推进。联军战士迅即抢滩登陆建立起滩头阵地……一场为期十年、空前惨烈的特洛伊战争就此开始了。《特洛伊》在我国的上映正值雅典奥运会即将开幕之际。不管荷马史诗中这场战争在历史上是否确有其事,电影本身那史诗般的情节、威武的英雄形象、恢宏浩大的战争场景和极富悲剧色彩的音乐让中国观众又一次得到感官的享受、心灵的震撼,也让我们在雅典奥运会开幕前夕,对培育了奥林匹克精神的古希腊文化,有了些许感性认识。——主持人手记 At a time when the governments of the United States and Europe commemorated the 60th anniversary of the Normandy landing in full swing, leading director Wolfgang Petersen led us to review a large-scale landing operation 3,000 years ago. In his footage, thousands of Greek coalition ships crossed the Aegean while expeditioning Troy on the Little Asia Peninsula. Troy Castle ramparts, the Allied military commander Agamemnon ordered to avoid the edge, while the fierce Achilles and his men battleship was forced to land straight into the coast. Stone on the castle rain, the warriors quickly formed a square, while the side shields as iron and steel walls, cover the brave are rapidly advancing. Allied soldiers quickly landing on the beach to establish a beachhead position ... ... a decade-long, unprecedented tragedy of the Trojan war began. The release of Troy in China coincided with the forthcoming opening of Athens Olympic Games. Regardless of whether this war in Homer was historically true or not, the epic plot of the film itself, the mighty heroic image, the magnificent war scene and the musicality of tragedy made the Chinese audience again feel the senses Enjoyment, the soul of shock, let us eve of the Athens Olympic Games opening up, to nurture the ancient Greek culture of the Olympic spirit, with a little perceptual knowledge. - Host Notes
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