冬日京津两地影音游 InFocus(富可视)北方市场探秘及杂感

来源 :家庭影院技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:loveqwg
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当南方广州的气温几乎接近盛夏,人们薄衣轻衫之时,北国仍然还在隆冬中天寒地冻。为了探访京津两地的影音市场,本刊记者2月15日匆匆赶上了北上的航班,希望能更多地了解一些影音市场的新动态,与行内的朋友沟通与交流当然也必不可少的。同时,还有一个重要的任务,就是了解著名美国投影机品牌富可视(InFocus)在华北地区的发展状况。因为近半年多来,富可视再次成为了影音市场的新亮点,在家庭影院大画面投影领域反响热烈,市场运营十分出色,我们也希望更多地实地了解—下他们的市场操作及分销等方面的情况以及取得不俗成果的原因。本刊记者到达北京时已是黄昏,寒意正浓,冬日的晚霞让人感到北国的大气,完全有别于南方的柔情。 When the temperature in southern Guangzhou is almost at its peak, when the people are in thin sweaters, the north is still cold in mid-winter. In order to visit the video markets of Beijing and Tianjin, our correspondents hurried to fly north on February 15, hoping to learn more about the new developments in some audio-visual markets. Of course, it is also essential to communicate and exchange with friends in the industry. of. At the same time, there is also an important task is to understand the famous American projector brand InFocus (North America) in the development of the situation. For the past six months or more, InFocus has once again become a new highlight in the AV market. It has enjoyed a very good market operation in the large-screen projection of home theater. We also hope to learn more about the market operation and distribution The situation and the reasons for achieving good results. When our reporter arrived in Beijing, it was dusk, the chill was thick, and the sunset in winter made people feel the atmosphere of North China completely different from the tenderness of the South.
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