
来源 :中学物理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maoloye
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《物理教学大纲》(人民教育出版社试用修订版)第二页指出“初中物理的教学内容,要注重选取与物理知识联系密切的实际知识,要以初中学生能够接受的形式,适当介绍与物理有关的能源、环境等重要社会问题和科学技术新成就。”人教版初三物理课本第十四章《能源的开发和利用》是选学章,一般学校常略去不讲。但笔者在2001宁夏回族自治区高中中考招生试题却意外发现最后一道压轴题是一道与能源有关的附加题,读后眼睛一亮,深感该命题组成 The “Physics Syllabus” (People’s Education Press trial revision) second page pointed out that "the content of junior high school physics teaching, we must pay attention to the selection of physical knowledge and close knowledge of practical knowledge, to junior high school students can accept the form of appropriate introduction and Physics-related energy, environmental and other important social issues and new achievements in science and technology.” “The development and use of energy in Chapter 14 of the third edition of the Physics Education Textbook for People’s Education” is an academic selection. However, in the 2001 Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region High School Entrance Examination, the author unexpectedly discovered that the final line title was an additional question related to energy. After reading it, the eyes were bright and the composition of the proposition was deeply felt.
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使用托盘天平时,物码的正确放置是“左物右码”。但有一类“左码右物”的放置错位习题,要求逆向思维.下面推导解决这类问题的通式. When using a tray balance, the correc
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T·CL-2B型毫米波铁路驼峰测速雷达是用于铁路驼峰调车场自动调速系统中的一种测速设备,用以连续测量溜放车辆的速度,可采用轨道中间和两旁等多种灵巧安装方式.一、原理 T