Wave-induced flow of pore fluid in a cracked porous solid containing penny-shaped inclusions

来源 :石油科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhgrmlshr
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An aim of current study is to analyze the contribution of reflected longitudinal waves to wave-induced fluid flow(WIFF)in the cracked porous solid.Initially,we investigate the time harmonic plane waves in cracked porous solid by employing the mathematical model proposed by Zhang et al.(2019).The solution is obtained in form of the Christoffel equations.The solution of the Christoffel equations indicates that there exist four(three dilatational and one shear)waves.These waves are attenuated in nature due to their complex and frequency-dependent velocities.The reflection coefficients are calculated at the sealed pore stress-free surface of cracked porous solid for the incidence of P1 and SV waves.It is found that three longitudinal waves contribute to WIFF and the contribution of these waves to the induced fluid in the cracked porous solid is analyzed using the reflection coefficients of these longitudinal waves.We analytically show that the fluid flow induced by these longitudinal waves is linked directly to their respective reflection coefficients.Finally,a specific numerical example is considered to discuss and to depict the impact of various parameters on the characteristics of propagation like phase velocity/attenuation,reflection coefficients and WIFF of longitudinal waves.
探讨了石灰软化法的实验原理,并应用石灰软化法处理工业循环冷却水,重点考察了CaO和Na2CO3在不同投料量及不同投料比例条件下,对循环冷却水中的钙硬度、镁硬度、总磷和硫酸根离子等去除效果的影响.结果表明:石灰软化法对循环冷却水中磷的去除率为100%,对硫酸根的去除率较低.对于实验水质,当CaO投料量和Na2CO3的投料量为理论投料量120%时,循环冷却水的钙硬度和镁硬度最低:软化后钙硬度为80.7 mg/L,镁硬度为46.12 mg/L,去除率分别为90.8%和76.9%.
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