
来源 :Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fenderchu
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Objective: Of this study was to compare this multiple-field conformal technique to the AP-PA technique with respect to target volume coverage and dose to normal tissues. Methods: Seventeen patients with stages II-III denocarcinoma of the stomach were treated with adjuvant postoperative chemoradiotherapy presented to radiotherapy department in National Cancer Institute, Cairo in period between February 2009 to March 2010 using 3D conformal radiotherapy technique that consisted of a monoisocentric arrangement Employing 4-6 radiation fields. For each patient, a second radiotherapy treatment plan was generated utilizing AP-PA fields, the two techniques were then compared for target volume coverage and dose to normal tissues using dose volume histogram (DVH) analysis. Results: The planning target volume (PTV) was adequately covered in both ( 3D & 2D ) plans, comparative DVHs for the right kidney, left kidney and spinal cord demonstrate lower radiation doses using the conformal technique especially for left kidney & spinal cord, but the liver doses is higher but still well below liver tolerance. Conclusion: 3D conformal radiotherapy produced reduced radiation doses to the kidneys (especially left kidney & spinal cord) compared to AP-PA techniques, with the potential to reduce treatment toxicity. Objective: Of this study was to compare this multiple-field conformal technique to the AP-PA technique with respect to target volume coverage and dose to normal tissues. chemoradiotherapy presented to radiotherapy department in National Cancer Institute, Cairo in period between February 2009 to March 2010 using 3D conformal radiotherapy technique that consisted of a monoisocentric arrangement Employing 4-6 radiation fields. For each patient, a second radiotherapy treatment plan was generated utilizing AP -PA fields, the two techniques were then compared for target volume coverage and dose to normal tissues using dose volume histogram (DVH) analysis. Results: The planning target volume (PTV) was adequately covered in both (3D & 2D) plans, comparative DVHs for the right kidney, left kidney and spinal cord demonstrate lower radiation doses using the conformal technique esp ecially for left kidney & spinal cord, but the liver doses is higher but still well below liver tolerance. Conclusion: 3D conformal radiotherapy produced reduced radiation doses to the kidneys (especially left kidney & spinal cord) compared to AP-PA techniques, with the potential to reduce treatment toxicity.
摘 要: 中职教育是我国职业教育的重要组成部分,中职教育的目标是培养生产、建设、管理、服务第一线需要的,德、智、体、美等方面全面发展的应用性专门人才。这就决定了中职培养的不是学科型,而是应用型人才,那么中职英语教学应该怎样服从和服务于这一培养目标,坚持怎样的原则?本文拟就此进行探讨。  关键词: 实用 够用 中职英语教学  中职教育是我国职业教育的主要力量,必将成为我国培养技师和能工巧匠的摇篮。我
[摘 要] 首先对信息化背景下开展大学英语教学所带来的资源进行论述,整理出资源所带来的教学优势。以信息化背景下所面临的问题为论述背景,重点探讨在开展英语教学中应用资源优化的方法,促进大学英语教学能够快速提升效率,信息化背景所带来的优势也能充分发挥。  [关 键 词] 信息化背景;大学英语教学;资源优化应用  [中图分类号] G710 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-0603(2016)
制作了一台输出幅度可以由计算机进行数字设定的脉冲发生器,用来对多路模拟电子学作自动刻度。 A pulse generator whose output amplitude can be digitally set by a comp
本文叙述了背射式穆斯堡尔谱仪用的β共振探测器的工作原理、特点、结构和它的性能,通过实测得到了不锈钢、铁板、α铁的穆斯堡尔背散射谱。 This paper describes the work