Alkali Metal-incorporated Mesoporous Smectites:Crystallinity and Textural Properties

来源 :Chemical Research in Chinese Universities | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Layman_Zhejiang
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A series of mesoporous smectite like materials incorporated with alkali metals such as Li, Na, K and Cs has been synthesized with the hydrothermal method. The crystalline and the pore structures of the materials synthesized significantly change with the introduction of alkali metals. The addition of Li gives highly ordered layer phases, while the incorporation of Cs yields much less crystalline structures. Although Na or K has little effect on the crystalline structure, they modify the pore structure. A series of mesoporous smectite like materials incorporated with alkali metals such as Li, Na, K and Cs has been synthesized with the hydrothermal method. The crystalline and the pore structures of the materials incorporated significant change with the introduction of alkali metals. The addition of Li gives highly ordered layer phases, while the incorporation of Cs yields much less crystalline structures. While Na or K has little effect on the crystalline structure.
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