
来源 :中国律师 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:anwencheng2005
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县域律师在县域经济发展过程中起着重要作用.但是县域律师的执业环境却不容乐观,因此,需要创造条件拓宽县域律师在县域经济发展中发挥作用的空间。一、县域经济的发展呼唤县域律师发挥作用县域经济属于区域经济概念.是当前我国以地域划分的农村各种经济关系和经济活动的总称。它是以县级行政区划为地理空间.具有地域特色、相对独立和功能完备的区域经济。县域经济既是宏观经济和微观经济的结合,又是城市和乡村的结合;既是整个国民经济的重要基础,又构成国家和省级经济的重要组成部分。县域经济的这些特点决定了发展县域经济需要县域律师发挥作用。所谓县域律师.是指主要在县域范围内提供法律服务的具有律师资格的法律工作者。县域是县域律师服务、 County lawyers play an important role in the process of county economy development, but the lawyers' practice environment in the county is not optimistic. Therefore, it is necessary to create the conditions for broadening the scope for county lawyers to play a role in the development of county economy. First, the development of county economy calls for county lawyers to play a role County economy belongs to the concept of regional economy, which is the general term for all kinds of economic relations and economic activities in rural areas. It is the county-level administrative divisions for the geographical space with geographical features, relatively independent and fully functional regional economy. County economy is not only a combination of macro-economy and micro-economy, but also a combination of city and village; it is not only an important foundation of the entire national economy, but also an important part of the national and provincial economy. These characteristics of county economy determine that the development of county economy requires county lawyers to play a role. The so-called county lawyer refers to lawyers qualified to provide legal services mainly in the county level. County is a county lawyer service,
纤支镜检查对发现支气管树异常很有帮助,可直接在病灶部位活检、刷检以获取组织病理学诊断。本组47例阻塞性肺炎患者;纤支镜检查54例次,确诊42例(89.4%),现予报道。1 临床资料47例均为阻塞性肺炎
2006年,我国经济保持了2003年以来持续增长10%或略高的态势,国内生产总值增长10.7%,是新世纪以来增长最快的一年,比上年加快0.3个百分点。 In 2006, China's economy mainta
当前部门预算的编制和执行逐渐规范化,但仍有脱离实际、支出随意性大、行政经费挤占项目支出、财务管理不到位等问题。本文对上述问题及其原因进行分析,并提出相关建议。 Th
The production of 2,3-butanediol by Klebsiella pneumoniae from glucose supplemented with different salts was studied. A suitable medium composition was defined