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天刚发亮,坐落在丘陵之间的天元木材市场一片静谧。胡湘富拄着拐杖颤颤巍巍地挪到铺子门口坐下。早起是他多年养成的习惯,在他眼里,最美的景物就是那堆积如山的木料。这两天,老胡接到了天元区个私协会王秘书长的电话,说省个私协会日前通过评选决定授予他2004年度湖南省诚信守法 Just dawn, located in the hills Tianyuan timber market is quiet. Hu Xiangfu trembled with crutches to the front of the shop to sit down. Get up early is his habits developed for many years, in his eyes, the most beautiful scenery is that pile of wood. These two days, Hu received a Tianyuan District Private Association Wang, Secretary-General’s telephone, said a few days ago by the provincial private association decided to grant him the 2004 annual integrity of Hunan Province
The influence of the linear birefringence on magneto-optical property measurement for optical fibers is investigated theoretically and experimentally. The evolu
The interactions and collisions of time delayed solitons in optical waveguides with orthogonally polarized modes are studied. Direct numerical simulations of th
We are in a world of instantaneous communication where professional and academic connections are only a clic away.Yet I do not believe we can say that we have a
目的 总结经皮射频消融(PRFA)治疗肿瘤直径<5 cm小肝癌的疗效和经验.方法 1999年8月至2002年6月期间,以根治为目的,采用PRFA治疗肿瘤直径≤5 cm的单个原发性肝癌共84例,22例结合经皮肝动脉栓塞化疗;35例同时行PRFA联合瘤内无水酒精注射术.结果肿瘤≤3 cm组55例中第1年出现肝内复发者2例,死亡1例;第2年出现肝内复发者2例,死亡1例.肿瘤大小介于3~5 cm组29例中