创新服务求生存 优化产业谋发展

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河南油田在适应市场竞争需要,建立现代企业制度过程中,打破沿袭多年的“大而全、小而全”旧格局,剥离企业的社会管理责任,矫正企业办社会的不合理行为,于2000年实行主辅分离,辅业部分按照专业化、市场化发展的路子实行重组,五一、双河、涧河三大社区应运而生。三年多来,他们按照河南油田“十五”发展战略整体部署,通过持续重组、调整结构,优化资源、营造特色、抢占市场,增收创效,逐步实现由福利型向服务经营型转变,走出了一条市场化服务经营的成功之路。 In order to meet the needs of market competition and establish a modern enterprise system, Henan Oilfield broke through the old pattern of “big but small, complete” inherited for many years, stripped the social management responsibilities of enterprises and rectified the unreasonable behaviors of enterprises in handling social issues. In 2000 Implementation of the separation of primary and secondary, part of auxiliary industry in accordance with the professional, market-oriented development of the implementation of restructuring, 51, Shuanghe, Jianhe three communities came into being. Over the past three years, in accordance with the overall development plan of Henan Oilfield during the “Tenth Five-Year Plan” period, they have gradually realized the transformation from a welfare type to a service-oriented type by gradually restructuring, adjusting the structure, optimizing resources, creating distinctive features, seizing the market, The success of a market-oriented service management.
国际市场油价的提升似乎为国内润滑油市场的洗牌添了一支“润滑剂”。 在美国对伊发动军事打击后,国际油价3个月来已上涨了45%。2003年8月13日纽约市场油价突破每桶36美元的
按 WHO 的盲目分级标准,对佳木斯地区桦南、汤原两个县42万人群盲目的患病情况进行了调查,共查出盲目患者1191例,占人群的0.28%。其中双眼盲451例,患病率为0.11%,单眼盲740
China’s natural gas production willexceed 35 billion cubic meters in 2003,more than 7 percent up from last year,according to the estimation by therelated depa
国标CB 7258—1997《机动车运行安全技术条件》的附录C中有天台试制动性能检验方法中规定:“用滚筒式制动试验台检验,存测量制动时,为了获得足够的附着力,以避免车轮抱死,允