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近几年来,企业内部的领导体制不顺是阻碍企业健康发展的一个重要因素。如何理顺企业内部的领导体制?最近,江泽民总书记指出:“关于国营企业内部领导体制的问题,概括起来是三句话:充分发挥党组织的政治核心作用,坚持和完善厂长负责制,全心全意依靠工人阶级。”这三句话为我们理顺企业内部领导体制提出了明确的指导思想和原则要求。企业应该怎样贯彻这三句话?我们在榆次电缆厂、平遥火柴厂进行了认真的调查,对贯彻这三话有了更深刻的认识和体会。 一、贯彻三句话,必须正确理解和认识它的现实意义和深远的历史意义。中国共产党是工人阶级的先锋队组织,在几十年的革命斗争中,是党领导人民群众,战胜了一个又一个阶级敌人,夺取了中国革命的伟大胜利,历史把共产党推到了执政的地位。今天在建设有中国特色的社会主义伟大事业中,共产党不能回避和放弃她的执政地位和领导权力。实践证明,只有共产党才有能力领导我们把中国的事情办好。对一个企业来说,同样不能脱离党的领导,也不能削 In recent years, the ineffectiveness of the internal leadership system has been an impediment to the healthy development of enterprises. Recently, General Secretary Jiang Zemin pointed out: “The issue concerning the internal leadership in state-owned enterprises is summed up in three sentences: giving full play to the political core role of the party organization, upholding and improving the responsibility system of the factory director, Wholeheartedly rely on the working class. ”These three sentences put forward a clear guiding principle and principle requirement for us to rationalize the internal leadership system of enterprises. How should enterprises implement these three sentences? We Yuci cable factory, Pingyao match factory conducted a serious investigation, to implement these three words have a more profound understanding and experience. First, to carry out the three sentences, we must correctly understand and understand its practical significance and far-reaching historical significance. During the decades of revolutionary struggles, the Chinese Communist Party was the vanguard organization of the working class. It was the party that led the people and defeated one class and another class enemies, seized the great victory of the Chinese revolution, and pushed the Communist party to the ruling position. In today’s great cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, the Communist Party can not sidestep and abandon her ruling position and leadership. Facts have proved that only the Communist Party can afford to lead us to run China well. To an enterprise, the same can not be cut off from the leadership of the party
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正方体是立体几何中最常见、最特殊的几何体,同时也是一种重要的立体几何模型.正方体中有很多典型的线线、线面、面面的平行与垂直关系,通过连线可以得 The cube is the mos
以1 mol/LAlCl3为铝源和1 mol NaOH为沉淀剂,利用水热法在180℃、48 h和pH值为9条件下合成了长度大于300 nm和直径约8 nm的γ-AlOOH纳米棒。水热法合成试样的物相、形貌和光
<正> 用无产阶级革命理想和道德教育广大工人群众,以推动伟大的革命斗争,是我国工会工作的优良传统。 早在民主革命时期,我国工人运动的杰出领袖李立三、刘少奇等同志。在安源路矿从事革命活动期间,就以“增加知识,发扬德性”为名举办平民夜校和工人俱乐部,向工人群众进行马克思主义的革命理想、道德情操、艰苦奋斗的思想教育,以“保护工人的利益,减除工人的压迫和痛苦”相号召,把“遵守纪律,服从指挥”,“团结互助、共谋幸福”作为集体行动规范,很快把工人群众紧密地团结起来、组织起来。由于