Promote high-quality new drugs at high speed and world-renowned pharmaceutical factory in Guangzhou Hing Wah held on May 19 scientific and technological awards, the scientific and technological contributions to the 22 scientific and technological achievements to give 150,000 yuan reward, including senior director Wei Jingxin chaired three Scientific research, due to outstanding achievements and get a reward of 130,000 yuan, which caused a strong reaction in the city of land reclamation system. Hing Wah factory only 6 years ago in Guangzhou suburb of a small Chinese herbal medicine processing point, the highest annual output but 3000000 yuan. However, during the period of reform and opening up, due to its respect for knowledge and talent, the plant attracted a large number of people of insight both inside and outside the province. Over the past few years, over 200 engineers and technicians have become prominent land for crabbing dragons. Rely on scientific and technological progress, the plant has launched Shu-gall