Specific probiotics alleviate allergic rhinitis during the birch pollen season

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hpp6855132
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AIM:To investigate whether birch pollen allergy symptoms are linked with gut microbiota changes and whether probiotics have an effect on these.METHODS:Forty seven children with confirmed birch pollen allergy were randomized to receive either a probiotic combination of Lactobacillus acidophilus (L.acidophilus) NCFMTM (ATCC 700396) and Bifidobacterium lactis (B.lactis) Bl-04 (ATCC SD5219) or placebo in a double-blind manner for 4 mo,starting prior to onset of the birch pollen season.Symptoms were recorded in a diary.Blood samples were taken for analysis of cytokines and eosinophils.Fecal samples were analysed for microbiota components,calprotectin and IgA.Nasal swabs were taken for analysis of eosinophils.RESULTS:The pollen season induced a reduction in Bifidobacterium,Clostridium and Bacteroides which could not be prevented by the probiotic intervention.During the intervention,significantly higher numbers of B.lactis 11.2×107 ± 4.2×107 vs 0.1×107 ± 0.1×107 bacteria/g feces (P<0.0001) and L.acidophilus NCFMTM 3.5×106 ± 1.3×106 vs 0.2×106 ± 0.1×106 bacteria/g feces (P<0.0001) were observed in the probiotic group compared to the placebo group.During May,there was a tendency for fewer subjects,(76.2% vs 95.2%,P=0.078) to report runny nose,while during June,fewer subjects,11.1% vs 33.3%,reported nasal blocking in the probiotics group (P =0.101).Concomitantly,fewer subjects in the probiotic group had infiltration of eosinophils in the nasal mucosa compared to the placebo group,57.1% vs 95% (P=0.013).Eye symptoms tended to be slightly more frequent in the probiotic group,12.5 d [interquartile range (IQR) 6-18] vs 7.5 d (IQR 0-11.5) (P=0.066) during May.Fecal IgA was increased in the placebo group during the pollen season;this increase was prevented by the probiotics (P=0.028).CONCLUSION:Birch pollen allergy was shown to be associated with changes in fecal microbiota composition.The specific combination of probiotics used was shown to prevent the pollen-induced infiltration of eosinophils into the nasal mucosa,and indicated a trend for reduced nasal symptoms. AIM: To investigate whether birch pollen allergy symptoms are linked with gut microbiota changes and whether probiotics have an effect on these. METHODS: Forty seven children with confirmed birch pollen allergy were randomized to receive either a probiotic combination of Lactobacillus acidophilus (L. acidophilus) NCFMTM (ATCC 700396) and Bifidobacterium lactis (B. lactis) Bl-04 (ATCC SD5219) or placebo in a double-blind manner for 4 mo, starting prior to onset of the birch pollen season. Symptoms were recorded in a diary. Blood samples were taken for analysis of cytokines and eosinophils. Fecal samples were analysed for microbiota components, calprotectin and IgA. Nasal swabs were taken for analysis of eosinophils .RESULTS: The pollen season induced a reduction in Bifidobacterium, Clostridium and Bacteroides which could not be prevented by the probiotic intervention. During the intervention, significantly higher numbers of B. lactis 11.2 × 107 ± 4.2 × 107 vs 0.1 × 107 ± 0.1 × 107 bacteria / g feces (P <0.00 01) and L. acidophilus NCFMTM 3.5 × 106 ± 1.3 × 106 vs 0.2 × 106 ± 0.1 × 106 bacteria / g feces (P <0.0001) were observed in the probiotic group compared to the placebo group. During May, there was a tendency for fewer subjects, reported nasal blocking in the probiotics group (76.2% vs 95.2%, P = 0.078) to report runny nose, while during June, fewer subjects, 11.1% vs 33.3% .Concomitantly, fewer subjects in the probiotic group had infiltration of eosinophils in the nasal mucosa compared to the placebo group, 57.1% vs 95% (P = 0.013). Eye symptoms tended to be slightly more frequent in the probiotic group, 12.5 d [interquartile range (IQR) 6-18] vs 7.5 d (IQR 0-11.5) (P = 0.066) during May. Fecal IgA was increased in the placebo group during the pollen season; this increase was prevented by the probiotics (P = 0.028) .CONCLUSION: Birch pollen allergy was shown to be associated with changes in fecal microbiota composition. The specific combination of probiotics used was shown to prevent the pollen-induced i nfiltrationof eosinophils into the nasal mucosa, and a trend for reduced nasal symptoms.
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7月22日 晴  嗨!大家好!我是小蚂蚁多多。本来我有一个幸福的家,可好景不长,我被可恶的人类抓了,我的痛苦一生开始了。  遭遇“台风”  抓我的是一个大约9岁的男孩。开始,我用最快的速度向前冲,像马拉松比赛似的,可人类的步伐就是大,一步就是我的好几百倍。他走过来,蹲下身,嘴轻轻一吹,“呼——”,“12级台风呀,谁来救救我!”顿时,我感到天旋地转,似乎这“台风”要把我身上每一个细胞都吹到九霄云外似
情怀  “中年心事浓如酒,少女情怀总是诗”。有些旧物是记得,有些旧物是怀念。有些怀念,因为属于私己,怀揣了许久,带着岁月的静意,渐渐落成一种情怀。  跌跌撞撞的那段路,依稀记得,有秋千荡过,有风铃叮当,还有那咿呀童语,嘻哈身影……我的成长,没有静静守候,只有牵绊我思绪的小秋千,摇呀荡呀地把我送至青春年华。  大概在8年前吧,那时我们还没搬家,住在农村。我仍清晰地记得那一份童年的美好。  以前家里很
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7月18日 晴  一大早,云朵儿就在天空里哭个不停。风姑娘跑过去问:“你在哭什么呀?”  “我没做过什么错事,但不知道为何,人们把我的‘衣服’给弄脏了,我担心,本来就不太好的大气妈妈会支撑不住的。”  风姑娘看了看云姑娘,还真是的,云朵儿洁白的裙子已经被染得乌黑乌黑的,还散发出一阵阵难闻的气味呢。  原来,那天她跟太阳公公在大街上游玩的时候,一辆载着货物的大卡车狂奔过来,一大群追车的灰尘跟在大卡车