Expression of HBsAg and HBcAg in the ovaries and ova of patients with chronic hepatitis B

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wdhpll
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AIM: To investigate the expression and distribution of HBV in the ovaries and ova. METHODS: The immunohistochemistry method was used to detect the HBsAg and HBcAg in the ovaries of patients with chronic hepatitis B. RESULTS: Expression of HBsAg in the ova, granular and interstitial cells of the ovaries was located in the cytomembrane and cytoplasm. Expression of HBcAg in the ova, granular, interstitial and endothelial cells of interstitial blood vessels of the ovaries was found in the cytomembrane, cytoplasm, and nuclei. CONCLUSION: HBV can infect the ova at different stages of development and replicate in it. AIM: To investigate the expression and distribution of HBV in the ovaries and ova. METHODS: The immunohistochemistry was used to detect the HBsAg and HBcAg in the ovaries of patients with chronic hepatitis B. RESULTS: Expression of HBsAg in the ova, granular and Interstitial cells of the ovaries was located in the cytomembrane and cytoplasm. Expression of HBcAg in the ova, granular, interstitial and endothelial cells of interstitial blood vessels of the ovaries was found in the cytomembrane, cytoplasm, and nuclei. CONCLUSION: HBV can infect the ova at different stages of development and replicate in it.
AIM: To evaluate the daily high-dose induction therapy with interferon-α2b (IFN-α2b) in combination with ribavirin for the treatment of patients who failed wi
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