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第15届世界杯足球赛,巴西队终于实现了第四次捧杯的愿望,因此,人们都在探求主教练怕雷拉的治军之道,追觅成功的法宝。那么,帕雷拉取胜的秘诀是什么呢?面对现实帕雷拉执教巴西队之后,就雄心勃勃的许诺:要带领这支队伍实现24年来一直追求的目标,第四次捧回世界杯。然而,今日的巴西队已非昨日那样辉煌,队里缺少像贝利那样的可以在球场上左右形势的天才球星,夺杯之路充满着艰难。为此,他下定决心摒弃过去那种赏心悦目的艺术足球,寻求一种实在的、行之有效的打法。在他执教的两年零10个月的时间里,他始终冷静地面对现实,彻底改变昔日魔术式的打法,处处体现出现实主义的态度。我行我素帕雷拉在选人、训练、布阵上,完全不同于前三次夺得世界杯时的教练那样按别人的意见去治队,而总是我行我素,不受任何人干扰。1958年巴西队在瑞典首次夺杯时,人们说教练维森特·费奥 The 15th FIFA World Cup, Brazil finally won the fourth cup of the desire, therefore, people are looking for the coach to be afraid of Leila’s method of running the army, looking for the magic weapon of success. So, what is the secret of Parreira’s victory? Faced with the reality Parreira coach Brazil, the ambitious promise: to lead the team to achieve the goal of 24 years has been pursued for the fourth time to take back the World Cup. However, today’s Brazil team is not as brilliant as yesterday, the team lacked the same as Bailey can be on the pitch about the talented players, winning the road full of difficulties. To this end, he decided to abandon the pleasing past that the art of soccer, seeking a real, effective play. In his two years and 10 months of coaching, he always calmly face the reality, completely changed the former magic-style play, always reflect the attitude of realism. My way I Supareira in the selection, training, formation, completely different from the previous three World Cup coach as others to the team, but always go its own way, without any interference. When Brazil first won the cup in Sweden in 1958, people said coach Vicente Fio
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IBM公司数据库技术部副总裁唐纳德J.哈德勒(Donald J.Haderle)先生将于5月上旬访问中国。在此期间,哈德勒先生将在北京大学发表题为“迎接21世纪的挑战”的演讲,并与中国的I
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