Long ago, SAW was studied as a Rayleigh wave in the field of earthquakes. Later, it began to be used in military pulse compression radar. In 1975 SAW filters were commercialized for the midrange of FM tuners at 10.7 MHz, the earliest application of SAW filters in consumer electronics. Then used as a television image IF filter, but also achieved commercialization. Most of the LC filter is replaced with a SAW filter due to the miniaturization, non-tuning and high performance of this device. Especially with the recent development of microfabrication technology, SAW filters have started to be used as RF filters or IF filters for direct broadcast satellite equipment, pocket telephones, codeless telephones, car telephones and communication equipment. The radio waves used as the information transmission medium rapidly develop to high frequencies as the amount of recent information increases. To this end, people have great expectations for the SAW filter.