Hyperbolically Shaped Centrifugal Compressor

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:magihao
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Starting from the classical centrifugal compressor, cone shaped in meridional cross section, two modifications are considered on the basis of results from 2D and 3D flow models. The first modification is the change of the meridional cross section to hyperbolically shaped channel. The second modification, proposed on the basis of 2D axisymmetric solution, concerns the shape of blading. On the strength of this solution the blades are formed as 3D shaped blades, coinciding with the recent tendency in 3D designs. Two aims were considered for the change of meridional compressor shape. The first was to remove the separation zone which appears as the flow turns from axial to radial direction. The second aim is to uniformize the flow at exit of impeller. These two goals were considered within the frame of 2D axisymmetric model. Replacing the cone shaped compressor by a hyperbolically shaped one, the separation at the corner was removed. The disc and shroud shape of the compressor was chosen in the way which sat Starting from the classical centrifugal compressor, cone shaped in meridional cross section, two modifications are considered on the basis of results from 2D and 3D flow models. The first modification is the change of the meridional cross section to hyperbolically shaped channel. The second modification, proposed on the basis of 2D axisymmetric solution, concerns the shape of blading. On the strength of this solution are blades are formed as 3D shaped blades, coinciding with the recent tendency in 3D designs. Two aims were considered for the change of meridional compressor shape The first was to remove the separation zone which appears as the flow turns from axial to radial direction. The second aim is to uniformize the flow at exit of impeller. Both second goals were considered within the frame of 2D axisymmetric model. Replacing the cone shaped compressor by a hyperbolically shaped one, the separation at the corner was removed. The disc and shroud shape of the compressor was chosen in the way which sat
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1 材料和方法1-1 1992~1996年门诊或住院经手术证实的131例视网膜脱离患者,男85例,女46例,年龄1~76岁,平均35岁。其中21例为双眼,余为单眼。由外伤引起109眼,高度近视引起43眼,病程最长9年,最短1天。1-2 仪器与方法 惠普
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