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上柴股份携旗下柴油版SC2.5/2.8R、SC4H、SC7HSC9DE、SC10E和E系列天然气发动机SC12ET共四大系列6款发动机参展,其中SC12ET天然气发动机首次在国内客车展亮相。据介绍,上柴E系列是锡柴参照当今世界最先进的重型车用柴油机,与奥地利AVL公司共同开发打造的发 Shanghai Diesel Co., Ltd. brought its diesel engine series SC2.5 / 2.8R, SC4H, SC7HSC9DE, SC10E and E-series natural gas engines SC12ET to a total of four series and six engines. The SC12ET natural gas engine debuted at the domestic bus show for the first time. According to reports, Shangchai E Series is Xichai reference to the world’s most advanced heavy-duty diesel engine, with the Austrian AVL company to jointly create hair
About 50%of intersex cases are due to male pseudohermaphroditism, and of thes e cases, 50%are not clarified aetiologically. The association of idiopathic mal e
患者30岁,孕3产2.因停经27周+3,腹痛30 min,晕厥伴大便失禁20 min,急诊于2003年5月21日16时入院.孕期未行系统产前检查。
Limited brain magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) consisting of axial fluid attenuated inversion recovery, axial diffusion weighted imaging, coronal single shot fas
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Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the antenatal umbilical cord coiling index obtained during the fetal anatomic survey in the second trimeste
一般资料  1 992年~ 2 0 0 0年我院共收治糖尿病合并胸腔积液患者 98例 ,其中男性 6 6例 ,女性 32例。年龄 2 1~ 80岁 ,其中 1型糖尿病 1 2例 ,2型糖尿病 83例 ,全胰切除术后
A new catalyst, Pd particles supported on the N-doped porous carbon(PC) derived from Zn-based metal–organic frameworks(zeolitic imidazolate framework: ZIF-8),
最新数据显示,上海大众斯柯达明锐2012年全年实现销量131, 657辆,同比增长4. 22%。而进入中国市场5年多来,凭借卓越的产品品质、出色的用户口碑以及人性化的服务理念,成为高端A级车市场名副其实的明星车型。作为百年斯柯达品牌拓展中国市场的先锋车型,明锐的出色表现不仅为斯柯达品牌在中国市场的稳健发展打下了坚实的基础,其精劲的实力更为广大消费者带来了贴心可靠的用车体验。  作为上海大众斯柯达的