
来源 :现代教育科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tanjich
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从1999年秋季开始,柳河县中小学校按照县政府制定的《柳河县学校内部管理体制改革实施方案》,全面启动了学校内改工作。经过两年的实践,我们切实感到,只有改革,才能发展,只有改革,才能生存的道理。此次改革的指导思想是运用正确的政策导向、思想教育和物质激励手段、打破分配上的平均主义;建立干部能上能下,教职工能进能出,工资多劳多得的自我约束、自我发展、自我激励的内部管理运行机制,充分调动广大教师教书育人的积极性,不断提高教育教学质量和办学效益,促进教育事业的发展。改革的重点是在“四定”(定学校规模、定人员编制、定工作岗位、定岗位工作量)基础上,全面实行“四制”(校长负责制、教师聘任制、岗位责任制、结构工资制)。 Starting from the autumn of 1999, Liuhe County primary and secondary schools started the reform within the school in an all-round way in accordance with the “Implementation Plan for the Reform of the School’s Internal Management System in Liuhe County” formulated by the county government. After two years of practice, we really feel that only reform can develop and that only reform can survive. The guiding ideology of this reform is to use the correct policy guidance, ideological education and material incentives to break the principle of egalitarianism in distribution; to establish a self-restraint that cadres can work hard at their jobs, teachers can work hard and earn more, Self-development and self-motivation of the internal management mechanism to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the majority of teachers teaching and educating people, and constantly improve the quality of education and teaching and school efficiency, and promote the development of education. The reform focuses on the full implementation of the “four systems” (principal responsibility system, appointment system for teachers, job responsibility system, structure Salary system).
通过分段拉伸方法,研究了4145H钢在p H值为2、3、4、4.2、4.8、5环境中的应力腐蚀敏感性指数。通过SEM观察了试样断裂后的断口形貌。结果表明,4145H钢在试验条件下,对硫化氢
Objective: By studying the influence of low-dose total body irradiation to proliferating cell nuclear antigens (PCNA), epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR),
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