畅想中国梦 共续大师魂——“李叔同杯”全国歌词新作大奖赛颁奖典礼暨第二届“芳草碧连天”音乐会落下帷幕

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2015年1月15日晚7点,“李叔同杯”全国歌词新作大赛颁奖典礼暨第二届“芳草碧连天”音乐会在平湖市文化馆剧场隆重举行。来自全国各地及台湾的数十名李叔同研究专家及文艺界人士参加了本次颁奖典礼壁第二届“芳草碧连天”音乐会。畅想中国梦——“李叔同杯”全国歌词新作大赛由中国音乐家协会(词刊)编辑部、浙江省音乐家协会、新 At 7 o’clock on the evening of January 15, 2015, the “Li Shitong Cup” national new song contest awards ceremony and the second “Fragrant Bi Liantian” concert was held at the Pinghu Culture Center Theater. Dozens of Li Shitong research experts and literary and art circles from across the country and Taiwan attended the second “Fragrant Bi Lian Tian” concert at the ceremony. Imagine the Chinese dream - “Li Shitong Cup ” new contest of national lyrics by the China Musicians Association (magazine) editorial department, Zhejiang Province Musicians Association, the new
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