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阙是古代中国最高等级的建筑形式之一。阙制中最高等级的三出阙一般耸立在帝王居住的宫廷大门前面,是天下独尊的标志性建筑。在先秦,阙、观之间有着位置、功能、形状诸方面清晰的分野。西汉中期阙形门出现后,致使东汉以来人们对阙、观以及它们和门之间关系产生了概念释读方面的偏差。尤其是在诠释先秦经典文献时,人们将阙、观几乎视作同物对待了,这一状况直到当代仍然如此。秦始皇帝陵园由两道围墙分别合围成内外城垣,在陵墓封土东西两侧的内外城门之间,分别有一组南北互峙、独立对称的三出阙建筑,这是考古发现的中国古代最早的三出阙实例,对 Que is one of the highest architectural forms in ancient China. Que system in the highest level of the three Que generally standing in front of the imperial residence’s court gate, is the world’s only landmark. In the pre-Qin period, there was a clear division of position, function and shape among the various aspects of the pre-Qin period. After the emergence of the Que-shaped door in the mid-Western Han Dynasty, the deviation of concepts and interpretations of the Que and the viewpoints and the relationship between them and the door caused the deviation since the Eastern Han Dynasty. Especially in interpreting the classical literature of pre-Qin times, people treated the concept of “Que” and “outlook” almost as if they were the same thing, a condition that continues to prevail in contemporary times. The cemetery of Qin Shi Huang emperor consists of two walls encircled by the inner and outer walls respectively. Between the inner and outer city gates on the east and west sides of the mausoleum, there are a group of three Que buildings with south-north mutual standoff and independent symmetry respectively. This is the earliest Three Que example, right
我院收治一例慢性进行性舞蹈病,并试用新药光千金藤啶碱Stepholidine治疗,效果较好,特报道如下: 患者男性,44岁,因全身舞动进行性加重五年入院。患者于39岁起,出现头面部、
《中图法》第三版较之第二版,对数学类作了一些修订,但笔者认为在列类方面仍存在值得商榷的地方。 一、数学史应单独列类 《中图法》第三版将数学图书首先依时代分为古典数