China's Tech-textile Industry Maintains a Double-digit Growth Rate——operation analysis of China

来源 :China Textile | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oursoftware
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In the first three quarters of 2012, China’s tech-textile industry faced with many challenges caused by unfavorable factors at home and abroad. The development speed kept a slight slowdown trend compared with the first half year, seeing a year-on-year decrease of about 15 percentage points; especially the industrial investment showed a negative growth. Overall, the In the first three quarters of 2012, China’s tech-textile industry faced with many challenges caused by unfavorable factors at home and abroad. The development speed kept a slight slowdown trend compared with the first half year, seeing a year-on-year decrease of about 15 percentage points; especially the industrial investment showed a negative growth. Overall, the
联合国教科文组织对外语教学质量提出了五个因素和一个公式。五个因素是 :( 1)国家对外语教学的政策。 ( 2 )学生的来源与素质。 ( 3 )教材的质量。 ( 4 )教育环境与条件。 (
本文回顾性地总结我院1980年以来收治血清胆红索超过171μmol/L(10mg/dl)的慢活肝106例。 一、一般资料 性别:男85例,女21例。20岁以下3例,21~40岁44例,41~60岁52例,60岁以上7
1989年9月份,安阳县发生了肝炎流行,我们用微量 ELI SA 双抗体夹心法检测 HAV—IgM,取得较满意的结果,现报告如下:材料和方法:1、材料:羊抗人 U 链抗体,甲肝抗原HAAg,酶标记
由纤维素性支气管炎所致大咯血较少见,现将我们从1972~1989年收治29例报道如下: 一、一般资料:本组男18例,女11例,年龄23~58岁,平均40.5岁。病程最长20年,最短15天。经积极抢
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