从地道战到坑道战 陈赓入朝作战烽火往事

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朝鲜战争爆发前,陈赓时任中国人民解放军西南军区副司令员兼第四兵团司令员,率部解放云南。1950年7月7日,中共中央应越共中央之请,任命陈赓为中央代表前往越南,协助越方抗击法军,组织边界战役,打通中越两国交通线。此役共歼俘法军8000人,缴获大批武器弹药,解放5座城市,使越北边境的法军防御体系全线崩溃。在打通中越交通线后,陈赓马不停蹄赶赴冰天雪地的朝鲜战场。1951年3月,他接任志愿军第三兵团司令员兼政治委员,率部入朝。途中腿伤复发,回京治疗,后赴大连继续治疗。6月1日,陈赓再次入朝,以志愿军第二副司令员的身份,协助彭德怀指挥作战。在朝鲜战争的阵地相持阶段,陈赓以坑道战术抗击联合国军的优势火力,为扭转战局,稳定战线立下了汗马功劳。从2009年9月起,笔者先后8次采访陈赓之子陈知建,听他口述陈赓大将的烽火往事。 Prior to the outbreak of the Korean War, Chen Kui was the deputy commander and commander of the Fourth Corps of the PLA Southwest Military Region and led the troops to liberate Yunnan. On July 7, 1950, at the invitation of the Communist Party of China, the CPC Central Committee requested Chen Kui to visit Vietnam as the central representative, assist the Vietnamese side in fighting the French army, organize border battles and open up the traffic lines between China and Vietnam. This campaign a total of 8,000 prisoners of war prisoners of war captured, seized a large number of weapons and ammunition, the liberation of five cities, so that the French border over Vietnam’s defense system across the board collapse. After getting through the traffic lines between China and Vietnam, Chen Kui rushed to the ice-snow battlefield in North Korea. In 1951 March, he took over as volunteer army third corps commander and political commissar, led his troops into the DPRK. Leg back injury on the way back to Beijing treatment, went to Dalian to continue treatment. On June 1, Chen Kui entered the DPRK again and assisted Peng Dehuai in his command as the second deputy commander of the volunteer army. In the stalemate phase of the Korean War, Chen Kui used the tunneling tactics to fight the superiority of the United Nations forces and made great contributions to reversing the war and stabilizing the war. From September 2009 onwards, the author interviewed Chen Zhijian, the son of Chen Xun, eight times in succession and listened to the flames of the generality of General Chen Xun when he spoke.
目前,水资源短缺和污染已成为全球性问题,特别是生活饮用水资源的污染日益严重,威胁着人的健康和基本生活,因此饮用水资源保护和水质标准的研究和制定尤为重要。 本文主要介
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