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中国参与国际经济并确立在国际经济中的地位,这是一个总体性标准。沿海地区经济发展战略是我国参与国际经济战略构想的重要组成部分,但它既不能包括参与国际经济的全部内容,更不是参与国际经济的终极目标。从全局的战略出发,内地与沿海的经济发展是相辅相成的、互为补充的,这就要求在进一步扩大对外开放中,应加快内地的经济建设和利用外资的步伐,不断寻求内地与沿海地区的新平衡,逐步推进十年改革开放形成的“经济特区——沿海开放城市——沿海经济开放区——内地”这样一个开放格局。目前的情况是,内地在改革开放的十年中,经济方面有了长足的进步,利用外资工作也取得了可喜的成绩,但与沿海地区相比较,仍处于落后的地位,“内地支撑沿海”的作用还 It is a general standard for China to participate in the international economy and establish its position in the international economy. The coastal economic development strategy is an important part of our country’s concept of participating in the international economic strategy. However, it can neither cover the entire content of the international economy nor even the ultimate goal of participating in the international economy. Starting from the overall strategy, the economic development in the Mainland and the coastal areas complement each other and complement each other. This requires that in further opening up to the outside world, we should speed up the pace of economic construction and the use of foreign investment in the hinterland, New balance and gradually push forward the “opening up pattern of the” special economic zones - open coastal cities - coastal economic open areas - the hinterland “formed by a decade of reform and opening up. The current situation is that in the past 10 years of reform and opening up, the Mainland has made great strides in economy and made gratifying achievements in using foreign capital. However, compared with the coastal areas, the Mainland is still in a backward position. ”The Mainland supports the coastal areas "Role also
由力变换式钢弦力传感器和单片微机为核心构成的定量斗称重仪,抗干扰、长期稳定性好。本文介绍了该仪器的工作原理、主要功能和技术指标等。 By the force conversion type s
一、铝箔工业概述 改革开放后的80~90年代是我国铝箔工业的大发展时代。1980~1998年从事铝箔生产的厂家由11家发展到80家,生产能力由0.79万吨增加到18.50万吨,产量也由0.59万
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