正确认识标准法规 关注儿童乘车安全

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国家标准《机动车儿童乘员用约束系统》于2012年7月1日起正式实施。标准对国产车辆必须装配符合标准的儿童安全座椅接口,儿童安全座椅的生产和销售作出明确规定。这也是我国首次出台有关儿童乘车安全的强制性国家标准,这对于规范尚处萌芽状态并且鱼龙混杂的中国儿童安全座椅市场而言,意义重大。据悉,2011年底,我国私人汽车保有量达到7800万辆,北京、上海、广州等城市的私家车拥有率已经超过20%,中国城市已经开始步入汽车社会,但与此配套的汽车文化、汽车安全意识还没有形成,最明显的体现就是对儿童安全座椅的使用。交通安全机构的统计显示,中国每年有超过1.85万名儿童(14岁以下)死于交通安全事故,死亡率是欧洲和美国的2.5倍。有专家表示,正确使用安全座椅或增高坐垫能使事故发生时儿童的伤亡率下降80%,而使用后向式安全座椅更能够将伤亡率降低至90%以上。有专家呼吁,我国在制定儿童安全座椅国家强制性标准的同时,更应该做到用车中对儿童保护常识的宣传、教育工作,让车主形成良好的用车习惯,防患于未然。 National standards “motor vehicle child restraint system” on July 1, 2012 came into effect. Standards for domestic vehicles must be equipped with standard child safety seat interface, child safety seat production and sales made clear. This is also the first time that China promulgated a mandatory national standard on the safety of children riding a car. This is of great significance to the market of China’s child safety seat, which is still in its infancy and is quite a mixed bag. It is reported that by the end of 2011, China’s private car ownership reached 78 million vehicles in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other cities have owned more than 20% of private cars, the Chinese cities have begun to enter the car society, but with this supporting car culture, cars Safety awareness has not yet formed, the most obvious manifestation is the use of child safety seats. Statistics from the traffic safety agency show that more than 18,500 children (under the age of 14) die in traffic accidents each year in China, with the death rate 2.5 times that of Europe and the United States. Some experts said that the proper use of safety seats or increased seat cushion can reduce the accidental death rate of children by 80%, while the use of rear-seat safety seat more able to reduce the casualty rate to more than 90%. Some experts urged that while setting a mandatory national standard for child safety seats, China should do more publicity and education on common sense of child protection in vehicles, so that car owners can form good car habits and take preventive measures in the first place.
致力于下一代脂质体吸入剂开发的生物制药公司Transave Inc.报道,其开发的主导候选药物阿米卡星脂质体吸入剂(liposomal amikacin for inhalation)——ARIKACETM可能具有穿透
摘要: 中国钢琴音乐主要指运用民族音调、节奏和音响效果等创作的钢琴曲,运用民族器乐曲和歌曲改编的钢琴曲,具有民族气质的原创性钢琴曲。19世纪末期,钢琴音乐开始传入中国,在长期发展中形成了有着民族风格、民族精神的音乐形式。从内容上看,中国钢琴音乐有着浓郁的民族音乐气质、雅俗共赏的音乐风格、真挚浓烈的思想情感。从形式上看,中国钢琴音乐有着五声为主的调式音列结构、线状为主的音乐思维方式、均衡对称的结构
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