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  Mt. Song: one of the most sacred places in China, a tourist destination, home to the Shaolin Temple, the birthplace of Zen Buddhism and of Shaolin Kung Fu. It takes years of training to become a Shaolin master, but nothing can prepare them for this. Six young monks are on an extraordinary journey. They travel halfway around the world to Berlin, Germany. Their mission: to establish Shaolin’s first official temple outside of China. Theirs is a remarkable journey. They are martial monks; equally 1)adept in 2)scripture and Kung Fu. But are they capable of 3)imparting the true Shaolin culture to German students, whose only knowledge of Shaolin is from Kung Fu movies?
  It was big news in Germany when the Shaolin Kung Fu monks came to town. The Germans were more than happy. Journalists flooded the new temple, so too did students, eager to join. It was front- page news.
  There is enormous media 4)buzz about their arrival. It seems that everyone has an interest in Kung Fu. It’s Kung Fu that first catches the attention of the German audience. But as the Germans will soon find out, martial arts really only play a small part in the daily life of a Shaolin monk.
  Most students first come for the ancient form of martial arts. Kung Fu is the glamourous side of the Shaolin culture. It’s the main attraction for the youngest members of the temple. 5)Rigourous physical training is central to Shaolin life. Monks use Kung Fu to relax after hours of 6)meditation, but for young Berliners, it’s just a way of having fun. Meditation is as important as Kung Fu. Mastering Shaolin requires the understanding of both. That’s as true in Germany as it is on Mt. Song. No matter where you are, there is only one Shaolin way.
  The Berlin temple provides the full Shaolin experience. For some students, Kung Fu is enough. Others want more. Prayer, chanting, study and meditation are all part of Shaolin life. There are many paths to enlightenment and following them consumes a large part of the monk’s waking hours.
  They’re special German Christmas cookies, but it’s not Christmas. Cultures blend and 7)mesh in new and unexpected ways when crossing continents. Cookies for Buddha are the first of many cultural exchanges.
  Although the Shaolin temple in Berlin is small, its reach is long. Almost every week, the monks are invited to teach not only here, but in neighbouring regions as well. The monk’s frequent road trips are a sign of the Berlin temple’s success. In a little over two years, the Berlin temple has grown to 500 8)disciples. A move to a larger space is urgent and there are even bigger plans for the future.
  The Berlin temple has been a 9)rousing success. Stereotypes have been broken. German students now know that there is more to Shaolin than bulletproof, flying monks. More temples are opening across Europe and the world. With continuing cultural exchanges, Shaolin’s legacy is assured.
Britain’s beautiful woodlands—1)broadleaf forests, commercial 2)conifer plantations—all our trees stand 3)exposed to climate change. But can they survive and thrive in predicted warmer conditions? Can
科洛·格蕾斯·莫瑞兹,1997年2月10日生于美国佐治亚州的亚特兰大。从8岁开始涉足影坛至今,她已在超过10部电影和电视剧中担任配角和客串,有着一长串令人惊讶的演出履历表。丰富的演出经历让她赢得了《海扁王》(Kick Ass)里面的Hit-Girl“超杀女”角色。该影片在2010年一经上映便大获成功。《海扁王》的成功让科洛成为了好莱坞最炙手可热的童星之一。而让科洛能够频频亮相媒体是因其主演了大导演
Lift not the painted veil which those who liveCall Life: though unreal shapes be pictured there,
主持:首先我们关注一下一家世界上发展得最快的公司——总部位于芝加哥的高朋网。自三年前成立至今,“高朋”似乎已经取得了瞩目的成就。每周都有好几千人加入这个网站,但那是不是好得太让人难以置信呢?现在,我向我们的科技版编辑埃里克·奥兰德尔提出了这些问题。埃里克,来帮我们剖析一下这个商业楷模。“高朋”是如何运作的?  埃里克:嗯,高朋确实引领了这个所谓的“团购”行业。它的运作是这样的:集合足够的人,然后找
“时间仿佛是架手风琴,时而拉长,时而缩短,收放之间,奏出千种旋律。”《三个六月》以1989、1995和1999年的三个六月为三个乐章,分别以大西洋两岸的希腊海岛、苏格兰鹈林老屋和纽约为场景,叙述了一个苏格兰家庭和他们所爱的人的聚散离合。  这是一部极感性的、几乎没有故事、只有生活片断的小说。书中充斥着大量的个人感觉和生活细节。看似杂乱,实则有章。在这些细节和感受中,始终回响着两个声音:感伤的回忆、
美式发音  提到“狗仔队”,许多人就会想到各种各样的负面消息,孰不知当下在美国,另类“狗仔队”却大受欢迎,只不过他们偷拍的并不是名人隐私,而是求婚时最幸福的那一刻。通过“狗仔队”的抓拍,可以记录下最真情流露的幸福瞬间,不过唯一的风险是,假如女朋友不肯答应嫁给你,摄影费还是要照付的。    (Goin’ to the 2)chapel, and they’re gonna get married.)