
来源 :农药工业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:originalwinter
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在毛主席“备战、备荒、为人民”的伟大战略方针指引下,一个独立自主,自力更生,土法上马,制造5406抗生菌肥、“九二○”生长刺激素、杀虫菌剂的群众运动,正在我省农村各地蓬勃展开。各种中、小型的菌肥厂如雨后春笋股地在全省各地迅速地建立起来。为实现我省今年农业生产新飞跃创造了极为有利的条件。由于菌肥事业的飞速发展,菌种供应的问题已成为当前新的矛盾,许多地方都迫切希望能够培育和保存优良菌种,就地解决菌种的问题。为了满足广大贫下中农、农业技术干部的需要,下面我们介绍几种比较简单的菌种分离、纯化和保存的方法,仅供农村工作的同志参考。由于我们的水平有限,编写时间又较匆 Under the principle of Chairman Mao’s great strategy of “preparing for war, preparing for war and for the people,” a mass movement of independence, self-reliance and soil warfare to create 5406 antibacterial fertilizer, “920” growth stimulating hormone and insecticide, Are vigorously expanding throughout the rural areas in our province. A variety of medium and small fertilizer plant mushroomed stocks all over the province quickly established. In order to achieve this new leap forward in agricultural production in our province has created extremely favorable conditions. Due to the rapid development of microbial fertilizer business, the problem of supply of bacteria has become a new contradiction nowadays. Many places are eager to cultivate and preserve fine bacteria and solve the problem of bacteria in situ. In order to meet the needs of the vast majority of poor and middle-level peasants and agricultural technical cadres, we now introduce several simple methods of isolation, purification and preservation of bacterial species, which are for reference only to comrades in rural areas. Due to our limited level, the writing time is a bit hasty
用结晶敌百虫2斤,加10—15斤热水化开,再与30—40斤麦麸或谷糠拌匀,也可用粉碎了的棉子饼粉,做成毒饵。播种前撒在 With the crystallization of trichlorfon 2 pounds, ad
附件所列健康相关产品已于 2 0 0 3年 1月获卫生部批准。特此通告。中华人民共和国卫生部二○○三年三月三日附 :1 2 0 0 3年 1月份获卫生部批准的保健食品目录2 2 0 0 3年
我国棉花黄萎病区辽宁、河北、河南、陕西、四川、云南、新疆、江苏等8省(区)9个菌系中分离到的280个单孢菌系,经鉴定全是大丽轮技菌(V-erticillium dahliae Kleb)这些单孢菌
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