驰骋法苑 大胆探索——河北省社会科学院法学研究所简介

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该所建于1983年2月,现设刑事法律、民事法律、行政法三个研究室,共有14人,其中绝大多数为中青年科研人员,有副研究员1人,助理研究员4人。 该所在党的十一届三中全会以来的路线、方针和政策的指引下,以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想为指导思想,紧紧围绕一个中心两个基本点,坚持科研的社会主义方向,坚持理论联系实际的原则,坚持基础理论研究与应用研究相结合,坚持老中青三结合,坚持百花齐放,百家争鸣的方针,在诸多法学领域纵横驰骋,勤奋耕耘,结出了丰硕的果实。7年来,该所共出版各种著作4部,完成书稿两部,计247万字,发表论文150多篇,计75万字。在这些成果中,有6项获得国家级奖励,有9项获得大区级奖励,有19项获得省级奖励。这些成果在国内省内均有一定的影响,有3项成果直接被省人大、省政协和省法院采用。该所还多次派人员参加了一些国际、国内的重要学术会议,接待了日本、美国法律界的一些著名专家、学者,进行了广泛的学术交流。 The institute was set up in February 1983 and there are three research rooms of criminal law, civil law and administrative law, with a total of 14 people, most of whom are middle-aged and young researchers, one associate researcher and four assistant researchers. Under the guidance of the line, principles and policies since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Party, with Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought as its guiding ideology, the party has firmly adhered to the two basic points of one central task and upheld the socialist direction of scientific research. Theory and practice, adhere to the combination of basic theoretical research and applied research, adhere to the combination of the old, the middle and the young, uphold the policy of letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend. They have diligently and industriously cultivated many legal science fields and have achieved fruitful results. Over the past seven years, the institute has published a total of 4 books of various kinds, completed two manuscripts, accounting for 2.47 million words, and published more than 150 papers in 750,000 words. Among these achievements, 6 won national awards, 9 received large regional awards, and 19 received provincial awards. These achievements have a certain impact in the domestic provinces, there are 3 results directly by the Provincial People’s Congress, the provincial CPPCC and provincial courts. The institute also sent personnel to attend some important international and domestic academic conferences on a number of occasions and hosted a number of well-known academicians and scholars from Japan and the U.S. legal community for extensive academic exchanges.
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以Ⅳ围岩的SⅣb衬砌支护为例,结合米仓山长大隧道的实际施工过程,分析喷射混凝土存在的质量问题,总结出了提高喷射混凝土施工质量和初期支护施工效率的措施。 Taking the S