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兰州重离子加速器放射性次级束分离线一号线(Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou-Radioactive Ion Beam Line 1,HIRFL-RIBLL1)已运行多年,其电源控制系统因建设初期条件所限设计较为简单,加之近年来系统部件老化,已不能很好满足物理实验要求,迫切需要进行升级改造。新的电源控制系统针对现有问题,采用分布式架构,每台电源用一台高精度控制器就近控制。同时集成了二极磁铁磁场强度和所有电源输出电流的监控,并且利用滞环控制策略,实现了根据预设磁刚度自动调试电源的功能。新电源控制系统经过一年多来的几次实验调束验证,在调试精度、抗干扰性、易用性等方面满足了RIBLL1物理需求,大幅度提高了调束效率。 The Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou-Radioactive Ion Beam Line 1 (HIRFL-RIBLL1) has been in operation for many years. Its power control system is relatively simple due to its limited initial construction conditions. In addition, In recent years, system components aging, can not meet the physical experiment requirements, the urgent need to upgrade. The new power control system for the existing problems, the use of distributed architecture, each power supply with a high-precision controller close control. At the same time, it integrates the magnetic field strength of the two-pole magnetism and the monitoring of all power output current, and utilizes the hysteresis control strategy to realize the function of automatically adjusting the power according to the preset magnetic rigidity. The new power control system has been verified by several experiments in more than a year, meeting the physical requirements of RIBLL1 in terms of debugging accuracy, anti-interference and ease of use, and greatly improved the efficiency of beam modulation.
A terahertz time-domain spectroscopy(THz-TDS)imaging system can obtain high-dimensional signals with substance fingerprint information.By introducing geometric
罗德与施瓦茨新推出3种不同频段的倍频器,从而将微波源频段扩展至110 GHz.R&S SMZ系列是市场上第一款内置电子衰减器和机械衰减器的倍频器,是R&S SMF100A系列微波信号源的完
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