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高中教育是学生教育中不可忽视的重要阶段,其中语文的教育更是学生教育的重中之重。而现行的高中语文教育存在很多弊端,在一定程度上舒服了高中生思维的发散和文学素养的提高。本文浅显的指出当今高中语文教育存在的问题,并结合资料提出一些改革创新的方法。 Senior high school education is an important stage that can not be ignored in student education, of which Chinese education is the most important part of student education. The current high school Chinese education has many drawbacks, to a certain extent, the divergence of high school students thinking and literature literacy improved. This essay points out the problems of Chinese education in senior high school today, and puts forward some methods of reform and innovation based on the data.
会发光的笑容  有人喊“弹簧打人了”时,我站在空旷的阳光地里晃了一晃。没有谁知道我这样的优等生为什么会跟弹簧那样的男生做朋友。就像没有人知道弹簧为什么是弹簧一样。  我问过他,他说:“其实我想叫小强来着,就是打不死的。弹簧也不错,你打它一下,它就跳得老高。绝不老老实实呆着!”  我不明白他的世界里为什么总要出现“打”这个词,其实,也并非电影《古惑仔》里那样打打杀杀,只不过,弹簧给人的印象就是他一直
本文论述水分胁迫下脯氨酸的累积、累积途径和其可能的意义 This article discusses the accumulation and accumulation of proline under water stress and its possible
在具有典型半干旱气候特征的陕西永寿选取 2 2个不同肥力水平的田块 ,分层采集 0 -10 0 cm土样 ,研究矿质氮、可矿化氮和土壤供氮能力之间的关系。结果表明 ,NH4 - N与可矿化
Mutations in myotilin gene (MYOT) have been associated with variable syndromes including limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 1A (LGMD1A) and a subgroup of myofi
Objective:To studytheinhibitoryeffectsof antisenseoligodeoxynucleotide(ASODN)anditsthiophosphate(S-ASODN)on thereplicationandexpressionof hepatitisD virus(HDV)i
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
在人工控制水分条件下 ,通过田间小间隔不同水分等级和持续时间试验 ,分析了水分胁迫对小麦生理、生态及产量的影响 ,探讨了小麦对不同水分胁迫后复水的滞后作用和补偿效应 ,