
来源 :甜菜糖业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:david6357
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黑龙江省甜菜糖业科学研究所1972年在湖北省江汉平原开始试种甜菜,同年夏天在武湖农场红卫二队甜菜生产田中发现甜菜根瘤线虫《註》。1975年又在试种甜菜的谮江县总口糖厂发现线虫,相继在广西荔蒲、湖南常德等地发现线虫危害甜菜,并了解到山东花生研究所和华中农学院对该属线虫进行过研究工作。但由于线虫对甜菜的危害在我国还是首次发现,为此近四年内我所又先后派人到江汉平原进行了调查研究。经过农场糖厂广大职工和我所人员的共同努力,比较深入地进行了调查研究,基本上搞清了在甜菜上线虫的发生和危害情况。为防治研究,促进南方甜菜发展提供了依据,在调查研究期间,湖北省轻工局及农场广大职工都给予大力支持和协助,共同的进行工作,使这项工作得到顺利的进行,现将调查研究结果正理如下。 Beet sugar industry in Heilongjiang Province Institute of Science and Technology in 1972 in Jianghan Plain in Hubei Province began to test sugar beet, the same summer in Wuhu Farm Hongwei team beet production Tian Tan found beetle “Note.” In 1975, they also found nematodes in the Qiantang Sugar Factory of Qijiang County, where beet was planted, and nematodes were found to be harmful to beet in Guangxi Li-Po and Hunan Changde, etc. and learned that Shandong Nematode Institute and Huazhong Agricultural College conducted research work. However, the nematode harm to beet is still found in our country for the first time. For the past four years, the institute has sent people to Jianghan Plain for investigation. Through the joint efforts of the vast number of farm workers and our staff, the farm investigation conducted a thorough investigation and basically found out the occurrence and damage of nematodes on the beet. In order to prevent and control the research and promote the development of southern beet, it provides the basis for the development of southern beet during the investigation and study, Hubei Provincial Bureau of Light Industry and farm workers are strongly supported and assisted, work together to make this work smoothly, now investigation The results are just as follows.
以地塞米松磷酸钠 (Dex p)诱导的胸腺细胞凋亡和胸腺细胞的自发凋亡为研究模型 ,通过流式细胞仪、电镜检测胸腺细胞亚二倍体百分率和形态结构的变化 ,探讨黄芪多糖 (APS)对小鼠胸腺
近年来 ,随着社会的发展 ,科技的不断进步 ,新型农用化学药品大量地应用于农业生产 ,用于农作物病虫害的防治 ,有力的促进了农业的发展。但因国营农场劳动卫生及劳动保护设施
中华医学会风湿病学分会定于 2 0 0 1年 8月在贵阳市举办全国骨与关节病学术研讨会。会议征文如下。1 征文内容 :有关骨质疏松、骨关节炎、类风湿关节炎、血清阴性脊柱关节病
《中国公共卫生》编辑部原定 2 0 0 1年夏季召开的“2 0 0 1年预防医学学术会议” ,现改为 9月中下旬召开 ,有关事宜通知如下。1 征文范围 :与预防医学相关的基础研究、应用