聚焦网络信息存取分发之道 推进网业共享共赢高效合作——第三届中国信息港论坛将在上海召开

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在中国信息通信业界备受关往的中国信息港论坛第三届年会定于12月上旬在上海召开。本届大会会期预期为两天,分主题报告会和高峰对话两大部分。届时,来自信息产业部和部分省区市通信管理局的领导、中国通信运营业界的高级管理者、全球IT业界的精英及全国知名的专家学者等将聚焦网络存取与内容分发、构造合作共赢的商业模式和产业价值链等主题展开精辟的论述和激烈的辩论。中国信息港论坛是由一批电信运营企业发起,并得到信息产业部电信管理局、信息化推进司等部门大力支持,由人民邮电报社和中国数据通信局主办,中国网友报承办的业界高峰论坛。第一、二届年会分别在山东青岛和广东南海召开,上百位来自电信运营业界的高级管理者和全球IT业界的精英与会,就信息产业意识的树立和信息应用的推广进行了研讨。在第二届年会上,信息产业部副部长张春江还专门作了重要讲话。第一、二届年会 The third annual meeting of China’s Information Port Forum, which is well-connected in China’s information and communications industry, is scheduled to be held in Shanghai in early December. The duration of this session of the General Assembly is expected to be two days in length and will be divided into two major parts: the theme report and summit dialogue. By then, leaders from the Ministry of Information Industry and some provincial and municipal communications administrations, senior managers from China’s telecom operators industry, elites from the global IT industry and well-known experts and scholars from across the country will focus on network access and content distribution, Winning business model and industry value chain and other topics on incisive discussion and fierce debate. China Information Port Forum was initiated by a group of telecom operators and was strongly supported by the Telecommunication Administration of the Ministry of Information Industry and the Information Promotion Division. The Forum was hosted by the People’s Posts and Telecommunications Bureau and the China Data Communications Bureau. The China Summit Forum . The first and second annual meetings were held in Qingdao, Shandong Province and the South China Sea respectively. Hundreds of senior managers from the telecom operators and elites from the global IT industry attended the seminar to discuss the establishment of information industry awareness and promotion of information applications. At the second annual meeting, Zhang Chunjiang, vice minister of the Ministry of Information Industry, also made an important speech specifically. The first and second annual meeting
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