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第一次接触云南是在上个世纪的80年代初期,随中央新闻采访团参加国家民委组织的“云南万至行”采风活动。汽车开进那个被汹涌的绿色摇动着的绿荫,我便开始寻找这绿荫中的厚重感和人文气息,这片土地让绿色成为了主题。仿佛这里有一种让万物不死的灵丹妙药,浸透了这片土地的每一个细胞,所以一树连一树,铺满天与地,众生万物鲜活地生长。那个在绿荫掩盖下叫做景洪的小城,那时只有一条老街,道路两旁的油棕树好像披了一层盔甲很是威武。街道上行人很少,不时能看到傣家女挑着竹筐的婀娜身影。我这个北方佬少见多怪地被绿色陶醉的同时,也被人与自然 The first contact with Yunnan Province took place in the early 1980s with the participation of the Central News Delegation in the “Yunnan Wanzhixing” gathering activities organized by the State Ethnic Affairs Commission. As the car moved into the shady greenery of turbulent greens, I began to look for the heavyness and humanity in the greenery that made green the theme. As if there was a miraculous cure for all things immortality, soaked in every cell of the land, so trees and trees, covered with heaven and earth, all living things alive. The little town called Jinghong under the shade of the greenery, there was only one street at that time, and the oil palm trees on both sides of the road seemed as if they were covered in armor. Very few pedestrians on the streets, from time to time to see Dai girl indulge in bamboo basket graceful figure. I am a rare Yankees Yankees green intoxicated at the same time, people and nature
福州旗山,古时候曾是佛教圣地,“钟声佛号闻千里,路上行人半是僧”就是鼎盛时期的写照。 福州旗山风景名胜区,可以分为三个大景区:棋盘石、勾漏洞和双峰顶景区。棋盘石景区
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2010年市社科联立项并结题课题,经专家评审,共评出优秀课题10项,合格课题15项,现予以通报。 In 2010, the Municipal Federation of Science and Technology joint project
0ver many dynasties the reigning emperor continued to make a pilgrim-age to Jietai Temple and make sacrifices to the gods to save the land fromflooding. They al