Application of hydrometeorological coupled European flood forecasting operational real time system i

来源 :Water Science and Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sykjzhb
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This study evaluated the application of the European flood forecasting operational real time system(EFFORTS) to the Yellow River.An automatic data pre-processing program was developed to provide real-time hydrometeorological data.Various GIS layers were collected and developed to meet the demands of the distributed hydrological model in the EFFORTS.The model parameters were calibrated and validated based on more than ten years of historical hydrometeorological data from the study area.The San-Hua Basin(from the Sanmenxia Reservoir to the Huayuankou Hydrological Station),the most geographically important area of the Yellow River,was chosen as the study area.The analysis indicates that the EFFORTS enhances the work efficiency,extends the flood forecasting lead time,and attains an acceptable level of forecasting accuracy in the San-Hua Basin,with a mean deterministic coefficient at Huayuankou Station,the basin outlet,of 0.90 in calibration and 0.96 in validation.The analysis also shows that the simulation accuracy is better for the southern part than for the northern part of the San-Hua Basin.This implies that,along with the characteristics of the basin and the mechanisms of runoff generation of the hydrological model,the hydrometeorological data play an important role in simulation of hydrological behavior. This study evaluated the application of the European flood forecasting operational real time system (EFFORTS) to the Yellow River. An automatic data pre-processing program was developed to provide real-time hydrometeorological data. Verious GIS layers were collected and developed to meet demand of the distributed hydrological model in the EFFORTS. the model parameters were calibrated and validated based on more than ten years of historical hydrometeorological data from the study area. The San-Hua Basin (from the Sanmenxia Reservoir to the Huayuankou Hydrological Station), the most geographically important area of ​​the Yellow River, was chosen as the study area. The analysis shows that the EFFORTS enhances the work efficiency, extends the flood forecasting lead time, and attains an acceptable level of forecasting accuracy in the San-Hua Basin, with a mean deterministic coefficient at Huayuankou Station, the basin outlet, of 0.90 in calibration and 0.96 in validation. analysis also shows th at the simulation accuracy is better for the southern part than for the northern part of the San-Hua Basin.This implies that, along with the characteristics of the basin and the mechanisms of runoff generation of the hydrological model, the hydrometeorological data play an important role in simulation of hydrological behavior.
美国有求于中国的面上升。  双方在安全关切上既有交叉点又有不同点。  研究部主任 “中美关系现在处于历史上最好的时期”———鲍威尔这句最引人注目的话大有一石激起千层浪的感觉,在两国引起了热烈的讨论。这让我想起11月上旬在美国参加的中美安全对话研讨会?熏这是中美之间具有第二轨道性质的重要对话,自1998年以来已经举行了五次。钱其琛同志在参加得州的会议后亦参加了这次会议。这次会议给我印象最深的有以下
毛泽东早年在湖南韶山家乡时读了很多书,但他那个年代,即二十世纪初期,所读的极大多数的仍是中国传统文化书籍: 一是儒家经典和蒙学读物,如《论语》、《孟子》、《三字经》
一、第七届理事会工作的回顾 中国职工政研会第七届理事会是1994年4月在第七次会员代表大会上产生的,至今已10年多了。这10年多时间,正是我们国家极不平凡的时期。全党和全
1 病例报告 例1:男,68岁,因吞咽困难,呕叶10天而就医。10天前有吃柿子史,食道造影见10×8cm大小的椭圆形充盈缺损嵌顿于扩张的食道下段腔内。贲门痉挛,形如萝卜根状,内镜见1