Surface characteristics of SiO_2-TiO_2 strip fabricated by laser direct writing

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SiO_2-TiO_2 sol-gel films are deposited on SiO_2/Si by dip-coating technique.The SiO_2-TiO_2 strips are fabricated by laser direct writing using an ytterbium fiber laser and followed by chemical etching.Surface structures,morphologies and roughness of the films and strips are characterized.The experimental results demonstrate that the SiO_2-TiO_2 sol-gel film is loose in structure and a shrinkage concave groove forms if the film is irradiated by laser beam.The surface roughness of both non-irradiated and laser irradiated areas increases with the chemical etching time.But the roughness of laser irradiated area increases more than that of non-irradiated area under the same etching time.After being etched for 28 s,the surface roughness value of the laser irradiated area increases from 0.3 nm to 3.1 nm. SiO_2-TiO_2 sol-gel films are deposited on SiO_2 / Si by dip-coating technique.The SiO_2-TiO_2 strips are fabricated by laser direct writing using an ytterbium fiber laser and followed by chemical etching. Surface Structures, morphologies and roughness of the films and strips are characterized. the experimental results demonstrate that the the SiO_2-TiO_2 sol-gel film is loose in the structure and a shrinkage of the concave groove forms if the film is irradiated by the laser beam. The surface roughness of both non-irradiated and laser irradiated parts increases with the chemical etching time. But the roughness of laser irradiated area increases more than that of non-irradiated area under the same etching time. After being etched for 28 s, the surface roughness value of the laser irradiated area increases from 0.3 nm to 3.1 nm.
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