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焕之同志是我国杰出的作曲家、理论家之一,他有深厚的音乐修养和独到的创作风格。他的音乐作品,每每都充满着热烈的情感和动人的魅力,从技术建构方面看,也都有严谨而又充满活力的特点。1953年他将云南花灯乐歌《茶山谣》编写成合唱组歌,将琴歌《苏武思君》编写成古琴弦歌合唱《苏武》,在1957年第六届世界青年联欢节合唱比赛中,他指挥演出的这些作品获得金奖。同年,他编写的合唱《东方红》,庄严宏伟,高昂壮阔,1964年被选入大型音乐舞蹈史诗《东方红》中作为序幕大合唱,以后多少年来每天都响彻在祖国的上空、飘荡在人们耳畔。他作于1954年的管弦乐组曲《春节》,是多年来音乐会上广为人民熟知和喜爱的作品。1965年,他的《社会主义好》一曲又成为人民日日听得到的歌声,作品情感真挚,风格简朴,朗朗上口。此后,他不仅创作有大批的歌曲作品,也有大型器乐作品问世,他的第一交响曲《英雄海岛》和筝协奏曲《汨罗江幻想曲》(筝与民族乐队协奏)等,也受到音乐评论家的好评,其中《汨罗江幻想曲》在1993年盛大的“二十世纪华人音乐经典”活动中获奖。除了以上作品之外,他还著有《作曲教程》、《论作曲的艺术》、《民族民间音乐教程》等书、文论等。焕之同志不仅是一位杰出的作曲家,也是一位深受广大音乐工作者尊敬的领导。早在中华人民共和国成立初期,他即出任中央音乐学院音工团团长、中央歌舞团艺术指导。1956年,它又受命创建中央民族乐团并出任团长,此后,他历任过中国音乐家协会主席、中国文联全委、第七届全国政协委员等职。今年二月《李焕之声乐作品选集》由大众文艺出版社出版,在选集的自序《我的六十年作曲生涯》中,他用简朴的语言畅谈了他的创作历程。本刊征得了他的同意,节选了他关于早期创作的记述,分三部分作三期刊载,读者读后对这位作曲家早期的创作历程会有清晰的了解。 Huan comrade is one of our outstanding composers and theorists, he has profound musical cultivation and unique creative style. His music works are often full of warm emotion and attractive charm. From the perspective of technology construction, they are also characterized by rigorousness and vitality. In 1953, he compiled the Yunnan chandelier “Dasan Ballad” into a chorus song and wrote the song “Ssu Wu Sijun” into the guqin chorus “Su Wu”. In 1957, he performed at the 6th World Youth Festival Choir Competition These works won the gold medal. In the same year, he wrote the chorus “Dongfanghong”, solemn and magnificent, magnificent, was elected in 1964, a large musical dance epic “Dongfanghong” as a prelude to the chorus, after many years every day resounded in the sky over the motherland, floating in people Ears. His 1954 orchestra, “Spring Festival”, is widely known and loved by many people at concerts. In 1965, his “Good Socialism” song became a song sung daily by the people. His works are sincere, simple and catchy. Since then, he has not only created a large number of song works, but also large-scale instrumental works come out, his first symphony “Heroes Island” and the Zheng Concerto “Miluo River Fantasia” (Zheng and national band band concerts) The praise of the family, including “Miluo River Fantasia” in 1993, the grand “Twentieth Century Chinese music classics,” won the event. In addition to the above works, he is also the author of “Composer Course”, “On the art of composition”, “folk music tutorial” and other books, literary theory. Huan comrades not only is an outstanding composer, but also by a vast number of musicians respect the leadership. As early as the founding of the People’s Republic of China, he became head of the Central Conservatory of Music Group, the Central Song and Dance Ensemble art director. In 1956, he was also ordered to create a Central National Orchestra and serve as head. Since then, he has served as Chairman of the Chinese Musicians Association, the Chinese Literature Federation, the Seventh CPPCC National Committee members. In February this year, “Li Huanzhi’s Collection of Vocal Works” was published by Popular Literature and Art Publishing House. In the preface of “My Sixty Years of Composing Career”, he talked about his creation process in simple language. His collection of his consent, excerpts of his account of early creation, divided into three sections for three issues, the reader read the composer early creation process will have a clear understanding.
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