
来源 :农业环境保护 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hesehuzi
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用密闭箱法研究了不同水旱轮作方式对稻田甲烷排放的影响。1994 年—1995 年连续两年观测结果表明, 稻田甲烷排放的季节变化与前作有关, 前作是水稻的稻田移栽后即有大量甲烷排放,而前作是旱作蔬菜的水稻生长前期几乎没有甲烷排放,且旱作时间越长甲烷排放越迟,峰值越小。稻田甲烷平均排放通量结果表明,单季早稻和单季晚稻显著低于常规连作,而水旱年间轮作只显著减少早稻甲烷排放,对晚稻甲烷排放影响较小。 The closed box method was used to study the effects of different rotation and precipitation patterns on methane emission from paddy fields. The results of two consecutive years from 1994 to 1995 show that the seasonal variation of methane emissions in paddy fields is related to the previous cropland. However, methane emissions from rice paddy fields before they were transplanted were substantial, whereas methane emissions from rice cropplants, which were formerly dry-crop vegetables, were scarcely methane-depleted , And the longer the dry time, the later the methane emission, the smaller the peak value. The average methane emission fluxes of paddy field showed that the single-season early-rice and single-season late-rice were significantly lower than those of conventional continuous cropping, while the rotation in dry-year irrigation only significantly reduced the methane emission of early rice and had little effect on the methane emission of late rice.
目的:研究不同时间,甲苯胺蓝(Toluidine Blue O,TBO)在大鼠炎症性口腔颊粘膜渗透的浓度变化,及甲苯胺蓝与炎症细胞分布之间的关系。方法:实验选取wistar大鼠32只,炎症组大鼠2
探本溯源,愈演愈烈的次贷危机让2008年的世界经济运行莫测,政学商界众说纷纭。申银万国证券研究所宏观策略分析师袁宜认为2008是世界经济周期低点的又一次来临;商务部国际贸易经济合作研究院研究员白明提醒我国出口企业,次贷危机将从多个层面波及我国外贸发展。      愈演愈烈的次贷危机,风雨飘摇的美国经济,剧烈动荡的全球股市,显著增加了全球经济在2008年的不确定性。  2008将是世界经济上升途中的
SPORTS Phil:Say,what is your favorite sport?Jack:Hmm...it’s hard to say.I like golf a lot,but I think I like tennis better.Phil:Do you play much tennis?Jack:Ye
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