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李梅艺术简历李梅,霸上六士之一,号三寒斋主人,自幼酷爱书画,临池不缀,书法兼诸家,五体纷呈,由于行草汉隶,拜帖赵孟頫,何绍基、郑板桥、唐宴;国画研习齐白石、黄宾虹,悉心揣摩,悟其真谛,吸取精华。作品多次在国内外重大展览中获得大奖:如《梅花图》获“鹰联杯”世界和平国际书画大展金奖、“澳门回归世界和平”金奖:书法作品获“世纪之春祖国颂”书画摄影大赛金奖、“陕汽杯”全国书画大赛金奖、“纪念邓小平诞辰100周年”全国名人名家书画大赛金奖。其作品入编《跨世纪华人书画艺术鉴赏大观》《两岸三地书画名家选集》《世界名人精品选集》《西安艺术界》《霸柳文学》等书籍;百余幅作品被海内外民间团体及博物馆收藏并多次在全国和地方报刊上发表。现任中国书画家协会常务理事,陕西美协会员,陕西书画艺术研究院副院长,陕西秦汉绘画研究院副院长。李梅联系方式地址:西安市端履门9号卧龙大厦705(室)电话:029-87289918手机:13384975238邮编;710001润格:2000元/平方尺尺寸:90×180cm个人艺术网站:www.rmshuhua.com www.rmshuhua.cn Li Mei art resume Li Mei, one of the tyrants, one of the three cold vegetarian master, his childhood love of calligraphy and painting, Pro Chi pool, calligraphy and Zhujiajian, five bodies colorful, thanks to grass Han, worship posts Zhao Mengfu, He Shaoji, Zheng Banqiao, Tang banquet; study of Chinese painting Qi Baishi, Huang Binhong, carefully try to figure out the truth, to learn the essence. His works have won prizes in major exhibitions at home and abroad for many times. For example, “Plum Blossoms” won the “Eagle Cup” World Peace International Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition Gold Award, “Macao Returns to the World Peace” Gold Award: Calligraphy Works Won the Century Spring Motherland Song “” gold medal painting and calligraphy photography contest, “” Shaanxi Steam Cup “National Painting and Calligraphy Contest Gold Medal ” to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Deng Xiaoping "national celebrity famous calligraphy and painting contest gold medal. His works have been compiled into books such as Grand View of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Arts Across the Century, Selection of Calligraphers and Calligraphers from Mainland China, Taiwan, Selected Works of World Famous Artists, Selected Works of World Famous Artists, Xi’an Arts and Pa Liu Literature. More than 100 works have been collected by civil society organizations both at home and abroad Museum collection and many times in the national and local press publication. Incumbent Chinese painting and Calligraphy Association executive director, member of Shaanxi Institute of Fine Arts, Shaanxi painting and calligraphy art research institute vice president, Shaanxi Qin Han painting research institute vice president. Li Mei Address: Xi’an Dalangmen No.9 Wolong Building 705 (room) Tel: 029-87289918 Mobile: 13384975238 Zip code; 710001 Run grid: 2000 yuan / square feet Size: 90 × 180cm personal art website: www.rmshuhua. com www.rmshuhua.cn
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