
来源 :现代商业银行 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oursoftware
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因商场营业员疏忽,所卖物品标错价格,这种事情在国内外都难免会发生。然而,在对待这一问题的处理方法上,国内外商家则大相径庭。报载,国内一大商场误将一件1700多元的大衣标成700多元出售后,商场想方设法找到顾客,要求补回货款,遭顾客拒绝后,商场向律师咨询,准备对簿公堂。而在国外,一位旅美华裔女士去一家乐器店选购钢琴,看中后,她将营业员叫到身边,这时,营业员才发现钢琴上的价格少了一个“0”,他先向这位女士道歉,请她稍等,他要向经理请示一下。不一会儿,经理从店堂后快步走了出来,老远便向这位女士伸出了手,笑着说,祝贺您,您花最少的钱买了一架最好的钢琴。 Due to negligence in the mall salesperson, the wrong price of the goods sold, such things are inevitable at home and abroad will happen. However, in dealing with this issue, domestic and foreign businessmen are very different. According to newspaper reports, a major shopping mall mistakenly put a 1700-yuan coat labeled more than 700 yuan sale, the mall managed to find customers find ways to make up for the purchase price, was rejected by the customer, the mall consulting lawyers, ready to court. While abroad, a Chinese-American lady went to a musical instrument shop to buy the piano. After she saw her, she called her salesman around. At this moment, the salesperson found out that the price on the piano was less “0”. Ms apologize, please wait for her, he would like to ask the manager about it. Soon after, the manager hurried out of the shop and extended her hand to the lady all the long distances, saying with a smile: Congratulations, you bought the best piano for the least amount of money.
河北省金属学会第六届轧钢学术年会会议记要SUMMARYOFSIXTHANNUALROLLINGACADEMYMEETINGOFMETALLURGYSOCIETYOFHEBEI河北省金属学会第六届轧钢学术年会于1996年9月20至22日在石家庄市石钢招... Hebei Metallurgical Society of the Sixth Annual Conferenc
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宝马Z3 这回宝马改美国造了,风格依旧是典型的宝马,却更加硬朗,男人气概十足。双座双气囊设置带着浪漫潇洒的0O7气息扑面而来,委实让人难以抵御。 BMW Z3 this time to cha
在热浪与寒流两层背景中,第九届上海国际汽车工业展览会6月18日开幕。这两层背景激烈交锋,冷热交替,使这个今年国内最大的汽车展的天顶远非晴空万里。 劝诸君看车展别忘记它的背景,
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