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素质教育是以尊重学生的主体和主动精神,开发人的智慧,形成人的健全个性为根本的教育。所以进行素质教育的课堂应该是科学而民主的,是以教师为主导学生为主体的,更是与时俱进的。如何把握好课堂反馈是衡量课堂是否有时效性的一个标准。一、课堂反馈要及时课堂反馈要根据学生在课堂中语言活动的内容而定。 Quality education is to respect the students’ main body and initiative, develop the wisdom of the people, the formation of a sound personality as the fundamental education. Therefore, the quality of education in the classroom should be scientific and democratic, with teachers as the mainstay of students, but also with the times. How to grasp the classroom feedback is a measure of whether the classroom is time-sensitive. First, the classroom feedback to timely feedback in the classroom according to the content of the language activities in the classroom.
Sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy or Rosai- Dorfman disease i s a non-Langerhans cell histiocytosis of unknown etiolosy. The most characteri stic
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(上接2005年第2期第85页)  十、哪些患者高度怀疑为继发性高血压,需要向上级医院转诊?
目的明确正常成年人和符合Ghent标准的成年马凡氏综合征(MFS)病人的髋臼内陷(PA)发生率。方法 105例可能患有MFS的成年人以及107名健康对照者纳入本研 Objective To determi
有些定语从句与并列句极为相似,相差的可能只是一个并列连词,同学们若忽略此并列连词,则有可能混淆定语从句与并列句。请看下面两道试题:  1. They have two grown children, and both of ______ live abroad.  A. themB. whomC. whichD. who  2. They have two grown children, both
Background In the setting of non ST segment elevation (NSTE) acute coronar y syndromes(ACS), the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying post percutaneou s cor
Objective This paper aims to study the relationship between body fat and sexual development in Chinese girls with different waist circumference.Methods Six thou