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(本刊讯)3月28日下午,市住房保障办公开举行我市公共租赁住房(下称公租房)第1批房源2178套公租房摇号分配仪式。经过系统摇号,本批推出的房源全部完成配租。市人大代表、政协委员、市国土房管局政风行风监督员、申请家庭代表、新闻媒体以及市公证处公证员等共同见证摇号分配过程。5485户家庭参加摇号分配本批房源有5485户家庭参加了意向登记,为确保公开公平公正分配,市住房保障办于3月20日-3月22日对参加意向登记的家庭名单及意向登记情况在市国土房管局网站进行公示,同时接受异议申诉。公示期间,共受理6宗异议申诉,经核查,6宗异议申诉全部成立,市住房保障部门对 (Ben Kanxun) On the afternoon of March 28, the municipal housing security office held a ceremony for allocating 2178 sets of public rental 摇号 numbers for the first batch of public rental housing (public rental housing) in our city. After the system 摇号, the batch of houses fully completed with rental. City NPC deputies and CPPCC members, Municipal Land and Resources Bureau politically popular supervisors, apply for family representatives, news media and notary public notary offices and other witness witnessed the allocation process. 5485 households to participate in Yaohao allocation 5485 households in this batch of houses participated in the registration of intent, in order to ensure the fair and equitable distribution of the city housing security office March 20 - March 22 to participate in the intent to register the list of families and registration of intentions The situation is publicized on the website of the Municipal Land and Housing Office and accepted the opposition appeal. Publicity, altogether accepted a total of six objections to the complaint, after verification, six objections to the establishment of all complaints, the city housing security department
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