奋战“十五” 加快发展

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都匀市是黔南布依族苗族自治州首府,贵州省实施“南下”通道经济开放带动战略的前沿城市。都匀市人口近50万,以布依、苗、水为主的少数民族占总人口的65%,面积2274平方公里,地处苗岭山脉南侧,盆地面积仅占总面积的4.04%,是典型的山区县级市;都匀市是二元经济结构反差较大的地区,城乡基础设施建设和城乡收入差距较大,现还处于工业化的初级阶段,工业企业规模小,技术落后,工业结构无序,尚未形成由各种主导行业带动的工业体系,经济发展水平在整体上属于欠发达地区,各项经济技术指标明显低于全国平均水平。在改革开放的热潮中,都匀释放出巨大的潜力,发展前景看好。境内生态环境较好,生物资源、矿藏资源、旅游资源丰富,区位优势明显。1999年被列为全 Duyun is the capital of Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture and the forerunner of Guizhou’s implementation of the “Southward” economic liberalization strategy. Duyun City has a population of nearly 500,000. The ethnic minorities mainly consisting of Buyi, Miao and Shui are 65% of the total population and cover an area of ​​2274 square kilometers. Located in the south of Miaoling Mountains, the basin covers an area of ​​4.04% of the total area. Typical mountainous county-level cities; Duyun City is a large contrast in the dual economic structure of the area, urban and rural infrastructure construction and urban-rural income gap is still large, is still in the initial stage of industrialization, industrial enterprises small scale, backward technology, industrial structure Disorderly, not yet formed by a variety of leading industries driven industrial system, the overall level of economic development belong to less developed areas, the economic and technical indicators were significantly lower than the national average. In the ups and downs of the reform and opening up, Duyun released a huge potential, promising development prospects. Domestic ecological environment is better, biological resources, mineral resources, rich tourism resources, obvious location advantages. In 1999 was classified as full
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因美剧《疯狂主妇》走红的“布瑞”微笑地倚在科比身边,我们的主角穿着惹眼的苹果绿T恤,闪亮的首饰传递着主人不一般的身份,随意搭在肩的毛巾提醒人们 Due to the popular A
晋城职业技术学院是一所公办全日制普通高等学校。占地面积18.3万平方米,总建筑面积15.3万平方米,总资产1.46亿元。图 Jincheng Vocational and Technical College is a pub