
来源 :福建果树 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:GOG12
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福建地处温暖湿润的亚热带气候区,西北山岭阻隔了南下冷空气,东南濒临大海,受海洋调节。从西北往东南:年平均气温由16.9℃递升到21.3℃,最冷月(1月)平均气温由5.1℃逐步增加到13.3℃,年降雨量在1,200~2,200毫米之间,除西北部少数地区及高海拔山地外,其余都是南国水果——柑桔的最适宜、适宜栽植地区。 Fujian is located in a warm and humid subtropical climate zone, the northwest mountain barrier blocking the south cold air, southeast of the verge of the sea, by the ocean regulation. From northwest to southeast, the annual average temperature rises from 16.9 ℃ to 21.3 ℃. The average temperature of the coldest month (January) gradually increases from 5.1 ℃ to 13.3 ℃ and the annual rainfall ranges from 1,200 to 2,200 mm. Except for a few areas in the northwest And high altitude mountain, the rest are the most suitable southern fruit - citrus, suitable for planting areas.
一、概况 香子兰(Yanilla fragrans A-mes)又名香荚兰。原产墨西哥,为兰科攀缘多年生藤本,是一种名贵的热带香料植物。香子兰荚果,经加工或浸提后,为商品的香子兰豆或香子兰
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