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在莫桑比克、津巴布韦、纳米比亚和南非广袤的丛林草原地带,生长着一种枝杈繁茂的莫佩尼矮树。非洲大帝蛾最喜欢在这种树的枝丫上产卵繁殖后代。帝蛾卵初春时节变为蛹,帝蛾蛹贪馋地嚼食树叶,六周内长得又大又肥,长达四英寸,背上布满尖利的毛刺和红、黑、黄、白彩色花斑。 In the vast jungle steppes of Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Namibia and South Africa, a bushy twig of the Moppeni grows. African Great Moth most like to spawn offspring on the branches of this tree. Emperor moth eggs become pupa in early spring, and moths feed greedily to the leaves, growing large and fat within six weeks, up to four inches long, with sharp burrs and red, black, yellow and white colors on their backs Piebald
Suppose every person on Earth ate only one kind of food.And oneyear that food disappeared.If that happened,all humans wouldsoon disappear too.Fortunately,human
张家界景区内森林覆盖率高于95%!公园内有黄狮寨、金鞭溪、腰子寨等6个景区,景点有1000多个。  张家界最有特色的风景要数山,号称“奇峰三千”。整个风景区,数以千计的石峰连绵起伏。从海拔1334米的最高峰“兔儿望月”,到海拔仅300米的“水绕四门”,3130座石峰,拔地而起,鳞次栉比,如龙腾虎跃,形成非常壮观的“峰林”。奇峰高高低低,大小不一,形态各异,有的群峰对峙,有的孤峰突起,有的上锐下削,
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