Mathematical model for flood routing in Jingjiang River and Dongting Lake network

来源 :Water Science and Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:as5881348
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The main stream of the Yangtze River, Dongting Lake, and the river network in the Jingjiang reach of the Yangtze River constitute a complex water system. This paper develops a one-dimensional (1-D) mathematical model for flood routing in the river network of the Jingjiang River and Dongting Lake using the explicit finite volume method. Based on observed data during the flood periods in 1996 and 1998, the model was calibrated and validated, and the results show that the model is effective and has high accuracy. In addition, the one-dimensional mathematical model for the river network and the horizontal two-dimensional (2-D) mathematical model for the Jingjiang flood diversion area were coupled to simulate the flood process in the Jingjiang River, Dongting Lake, and the Jingjiang flood diversion area. The calculated results of the coupled model are consistent with the practical processes. Meanwhile, the results show that the flood diversion has significant effects on the decrease of the peak water level at the Shashi and Chenjiawan hydrological stations near the flood diversion gates, and the effect is more obvious in the downstream than in the upstream. The main stream of the Yangtze River, Dongting Lake, and the river network in the Jingjiang reach of the Yangtze River constitute a complex water system. This paper develops a one-dimensional (1-D) mathematical model for flood routing in the river network of the Jingjiang River and Dongting Lake using the explicit finite volume method. Based on observed data during the flood periods in 1996 and 1998, the model was calibrated and validated, and the results show that the model is effective and has high accuracy. , the one-dimensional mathematical model for the river network and the horizontal two-dimensional (2-D) mathematical model for the Jingjiang flood diversion area were coupled to simulate the flood process in the Jingjiang River, Dongting Lake, and the Jingjiang flood diversionion the calculated results of the coupled model are consistent with the practical processes. Meanwhile, the results show that the flood diversion has significant effects on the decrease of the peak water level at the Shashi and Chenjiawan hydrological stations near the flood diversion gates, and the effect is more obvious in the downstream than in the upstream.
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