强力推进节能降耗 促进渭南绿色发展

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2012年,全市上下认真贯彻落实中省节能减排工作总体要求,紧紧围绕省政府下达我市2012年万元GDP能耗下降3.6%的目标任务,不断强化组织领导,严格分解目标任务,超前制定调控方案,积极实施节能技改项目,有序推进能源总量控制。经过努力,全市节能降耗工作扎实推进,节能目标任务超额完成,连续三年万元GDP能耗呈下降趋势,2012年在全省节能考核中位居第四,为建设绿色文明活力的 In 2012, the city conscientiously implemented the overall requirements of energy conservation and emission reduction in the province and closely followed the provincial government’s target task of reducing the energy consumption of 10,000 yuan GDP in 2012 by 3.6%. It continued to strengthen the organization and leadership and strictly decomposed the target and tasks ahead of schedule Formulation of control programs, and actively implement energy-saving technological transformation projects, orderly promote the total energy control. Through efforts, the city’s energy-saving work has been steadily promoted and the energy-saving targets and tasks have been surpassed. The energy consumption per 10,000-GDP has been on a downward trend for the third consecutive year. In 2012, it ranked the fourth in the province’s energy-saving assessment. In order to build a vibrant green civilization
一、绪言VTR 系列增压器上的压气叶轮、导风轮毛坯为模锻件,材质为高强度变形铝合金。这类锻件,形状复杂,叶肋高。(图1所示为 VTR251增压器叶轮)。整个系列此类件的尺寸,小
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2013年6月,财富全球论坛;9月,第12届世界华商大会;10月,第14届中国西部国际博览会,三大展会齐聚踞中国西南一隅的四川成都。今年,共有54个重点展会都选址在成都。而在去年,成都就已经举办了国际会议76个,展览154个,国际性展览38个,相当于平均每3天就有一次国际性会展活动,协议金额达13075亿元。  “成都当前面临新一轮西部大开发、国家统筹城乡综合配套改革试验区、成渝经济区和成都天府新
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A.M.Greighton 1969年合成了双酰胺环ICRF_(154),然后改变化学结构合成了ICRF_(159,193)等衍生物。对其抗肿瘤(肉瘤S_(180)),白血病L_(1210),腺癌175,肿瘤walker_(256)进行