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In 2001, the Heilongjiang Provincial Commission for the Preservation of Ancient Monuments carried out survey and excavation on the Fenglin city-site. The unearthed remains can be divided into two phases. The early remains include house-foundations, as well as pottery jars, single-handle jars and balls and jade cicadas. The late vestiges are house-foundations, ash-pits and city-wall ruins. Among the objects from Phase Ⅱ, the pottery consists of jars, bowls, dou stemmed vessels, zeng steamers, cups, spindle whorls, net weights and sculptures. The stone implements embrace axes,knives, grindstones, querns and tubes; the bone artifacts belong to the types of arrowhead, hairpin, belt buckle, chisel-shaped object, oracle bone, etc. The bronzes fall into gilt buttons, ornamental tubes, finger rings, loops and belt buckles; and the ironware, into knives, needles, arrowheads, awls, fishhooks and plates of armor. In addition, there are a number of animal bones, which belong to the wild boar, ox,deer, cat, antelope, roe deer, musk deer, dog and fish. The excavation results reveal the distinctive structural forms of the city and its walls and houses, and suggest that the site represents a new cultural type.
In September 2000 to January 2001, the Sichuan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology and other institutions carried out drillings and excavations in the Xiufeng-cun cemetery in Wushan County, Chongqing. They discovered 30 graves from the
On the Erlitou site, a palace-city and a network of roads in its periphery have been discovered in recent years. The main road functioned continuously from the early to the late stage of Erlitou culture. The palace-city has a plan in the shape of a vertic
Building Foundation No. 4 of the Erlitou site is located in the eastern palace-area,straight ahead of Palace-foundation No. 2. Its main part was excavated from the spring of 2002 to the spring of 2003. These remains consist of the rammed-earth platform of
The cliff-side carvings in Nanshuangmiao Township of Chaoyang County, Liaoning Province, constitute a batch of rare remains left over from the Liao, Jin and Yuan periods. They were discovered in 1986 and comprehensively surveyed in 1987. The cliff-side me
In 1994, an overall survey and a selective rescuing excavation were carried out to explore tombs at Moshan, Yongcheng City. The cemetery measures about 1,000m in length and 250- 300m in width, and the discovered 58 tombs can be divided into two groups, of
The Yinhe River petroglyphs recorded in 1992 are distributed on the Yinhe northern bank, extending about 40 km from Gushanzi Township of Songshan District in the west to Hongshan of Chifeng in the east. They are again an important discovery following the
In 2002, the First Henan Archaeological Team, IA, CASS, carried out excavation on the Huizui site in Yanshi City, Henan Province, and discovered there an Eastern Zhou tomb. This is a rectangular earthen pit containing a wooden chamber and a coffin with an