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建国后,政府对福州救火会加以改造,清除传统势力的影响,使公权力嵌入救火会,体现了人民当家作主原则。政府之所以采取改造方针,主要基于现实需要,地处对台前沿、城市建设的缓慢、公安消防力量的不足、街道组织功能的缺失,使福州火情仍较为严峻,只有调动民间力量,才能有效遏制火灾,因此救火会得以延续,虽曾两度撤销,却能迅速复兴。但较之解放前,福州救火会性质有所改变,其业务以消防为主,受到政府严格管理,并不再以神缘为纽带,依托社境组织运行。救火会性质的嬗变,是社会结构变迁的综合反映,政府的改造举措客观上起到推动作用。 After the founding of the People’s Republic, the government transformed Fuzhou’s firefighting corps to remove the influence of traditional forces and embedded public power into the firefighting conference, embodying the principle that the people should be the masters of the country. The reason why the government adopted the reform principle is mainly based on the actual needs. It is located in the forefront of Taiwan, the slow construction of the city, the inadequacy of the fire power of the public security and the lack of function of street organization, so that the fire situation in Fuzhou is still harsh. Only by mobilizing the private forces can it be effective. To curb the fire, so the fire will be able to continue, although twice withdrawn, but can quickly revive. However, compared with the liberation, the nature of fire fighting in Fuzhou has changed. Its business is dominated by fire and is strictly controlled by the government. It no longer operates on the fringes of God and relies on social organizations. The evolution of the nature of fire-fighting society is a comprehensive reflection of the changes in social structure. The government’s reform measures objectively play a catalytic role.
我厂生产的上海-120推土机,其履带板原用45钢,由于耐磨性差,易变形,影响产品质量。后改用40Mn 2Si,但断料困难,用锯床下料,一根锯条只能锯一块料,浪费大,速度慢。用压力机冲
清朝光绪三十二年(1906年)清明节,嵊县东王村唱书艺人高炳火、李世泉、钱景松等,在村中香火堂前用门板搭成临时戏台,穿上从农民家借来的大布衫、竹布花裙,演出了时称“小歌班”,嵊县一带流行的说唱艺术——落地唱书。高炳火们或许不曾意识到,这一次简陋的登台演出,竟成为越剧发展史的开篇之作。  1923年,男班艺人在嵊县创办了第一个女子科班。上世纪30年代,女子越剧进入上海后,涌现出了“三花一娟”(施银花
自从2004年中央提出“城乡统筹发展”后,各地政府在城乡统筹发展方面采取了不少举措,其中有一种普遍的举措就是“村改居”——即村委会改为居委会、村落改为社区、农民改为居民。最近,笔者到西部某县进行城乡统筹调查时发现,在一些地区,村改居非但没有消除城乡二元结构,反而使城乡关系更加复杂,出现城乡三元结构。  笔者去调查的是一个西部中等发达的县。最近几年,该县工业发展速度有所加快,城郊土地增值幅度也很大。
INTRODUCTION. Hydroxamic acids function variously as growth factors, antibiotic antagonists, tumour inhibitors and cell division factors. Despite their widespr