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新生从初中升入中专,面临着一个全新的环境,便会产生一种不同以往的心理:我在新的班级里将有一个什么样的位置?大部分学生会出现暂时的认识盲区。为了及时解决和纠正新生的心理偏差,使他们尽快地适应新的学习环境,笔者认为,班主任做好新生的工作必须抓住三个关键环节。一、抓住新生的特点。做到对每个学生心中有数我在学生未报到前就反复认真地看学生档案,把学生的各种情况进行分类,规纳出以下特点:五多:(1)来自农村的多;(2)年纪小的多;(3)家庭生活困难的多;(4)独生子女多;(5)没出过门的多。五少:(1)当过干部的少;(2)成绩突出的少;(3)见过世面的少;(4)有专业特长的少;(5)调皮捣蛋的少。我感到,要做好这样一个班工作的班主任,有有 Freshmen from junior high school into secondary school, facing a new environment, it will produce a different psychological past: I will have a new class in what position? Most students will be a temporary blind spot of understanding. In order to promptly solve and correct the psychological deviation of new students, so that they adapt to the new learning environment as soon as possible, I believe that the class teacher to do a good job of new students must seize the three key links. First, grasp the characteristics of new students. I know each student a few times I did not report before the students repeatedly carefully look at the student files, the classification of students in various situations, to meet the following characteristics: five more: (1) from rural areas more; (2 ) Younger; (3) more difficult for family life; (4) more than one child; Five less: (1) had been less cadres; (2) less outstanding achievements; (3) see the world less; (4) less professional expertise; (5) mischievous. I feel that there must be a teacher in charge of such a shift
Oleanolic acid derivatives act as newer protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B(PTP-1B) inhibitors for type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM). In order to understand the struct
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Chitin is a structural component of fungal cell walls but is absent in vertebrates,mammals,and humans.Chitin synthase is thus an attractive molecular target for
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