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省公安厅《关于严格控制公安治安检查站拦车检查范围的报告》已经省人民政府同意,现转发给你们,请认真贯彻执行。关于严格控制公安治安检查站拦车检查范围的报告省人民政府:自省人民政府重新批准设置公安治安检查站以来,各地治安检查站认真履行职责,在堵截犯罪、维护治安、服务群众等方面起到了重要作用。但在工作中,也确有个别治安检查站存在超越职权随意拦车检查的问题。为了进一步规范治安检查站的执法行为,切实防止超越职权随意拦车检查问题的发生,根据国务院国发[1994]41号、公安部公通字[1994]72号文件和省政府关于治理公路“三乱”的指示精神,现就严格控制治安检查站拦车检查的范围提出如下意见:一、公安治安检查站只担负查缉、堵截重大罪 Provincial Department of Public Security “on strict control of Public Security Checkpoint check the scope of the inspection report” has the consent of the provincial people's government, are forwarded to you, please conscientiously implement. Provincial People's Government: Self-examination People's Government re-approve the establishment of Public Security Checkpoint since the security checkpoints around the conscientiously perform their duties in the interception of crime, safeguarding public order and serving the masses and so on played a Important role. However, at work, there are indeed some individual security checkpoints that are subject to arbitrary inspection of vehicles. In order to further standardize the law and order of law and order checkpoints and effectively prevent unauthorized inspection of vehicles beyond the power to check the occurrence of problems, according to the State Department [1994] No. 41, the Ministry of Public Security Public Word [1994] No. 72 document and the provincial government on road control The spirit of “three chaos” indicates that we hereby put forward the following opinions on strictly controlling the scope of the check-in and check-out of public security checkpoints: First, public security and public security checkpoints only bear the responsibility of checking and intercepting a serious crime
可以预料,钢材市场特别是建筑钢材市场的竞争将会在较长时间内延续并可能愈演愈烈,从某种意义上说,4、5月份的振动可能只是一种演习和预警。 It is expected that the compe
创作山水盆景与园林中的叠山理水同出一辙。古人云:“尺幅千里,此画家之玄机,令拳石寸树有别一洞天之致,千壑万丘之形,不知对此 The creation of landscape bonsai and gar
<正> 1984年2月21至23日,常州纺织机械厂在基建中发现二座元代火化墓葬。墓葬距地表1.5米,两墓间相距1米左右。两墓南北排列,北面为 M1,南面为 M2,均东西向,竖穴土坑。两墓盛